Mink problems


In the Brooder
Feb 4, 2015
New Hampshire
I recently walked in on a mink attacking my chickens. He got 3 before I managed to scare him away and get the rest of my flock to safety. I saw these pest control thinks online (link below) has anyone tried using them in there coop/run? It says not to use them if you have minks or other rodent type. Any thoughts? Or other suggestions/tips to keep minks away? Thanks!

Welcome to BYC - sorry for the circumstances and your loss. Get a box trap, bait it with part of a killed chicken, and catch and dispatch the mink. Rest assured, it will return. They are tenacious. Good luck in resolving this situation.
I wouldn't waste time or money there. You need a very secure coop and run; no openings larger than 1/2" diameter. That means an undiggable foundation and well secured hardware cloth everywhere, ASAP. Electric tape around the perimeter is good, but weasels are pretty small for that to totally help. Live traps might catch your current offender, but more will turn up! In fact, your current problem critter will be back tonight! Mary
This is my first winter with my flock so I am still learning. Unfortunately with all the snow there isn't much I can do with the coop and run right now. They are all save in a coop in the basement until I can make the run safer. I have the trap reset but haven't caught a 2nd yet. I was thinking maybe the pest control device might help keep the critters away from the coop and run as an extra measure once the run is more secure? Is the 1/2" hardware cloth small enough to protect against most pests or do I need 1/4"? Also, what gauge wire is needed? There are so many options...
I wouldn't waste time or money there.  You need a very secure coop and run; no openings larger than 1/2" diameter.  That means an undiggable foundation and well secured hardware cloth everywhere, ASAP.  Electric tape around the perimeter is good, but weasels are pretty small for that to totally help.  Live traps might catch your current offender, but more will turn up!  In fact, your current problem critter will be back tonight!  Mary

Is electric tape the same as electric fencing? Do I have to worry about the chickens getting hurt from it?
Go to the Premier website; premier1supplies.com, to get information and order catalogs. Their fencing is great and they have good advice. I have horses and cattle, and use electric tape to reinforce the woven wire fencing for them. There is also electrified poultry fencing that works great for land predators. Just check with Premier; they're helpful on the phone too. Mary
The Pest Alerts will protect you and your family from Alien Abduction but do little else. I use to have something similar and no Martian has kidnapper me.... yet.

An electric fence will certainly repel and hopefully train any mink to avoid your perimeter fence. He or she will certainly return because they especially enjoy fresh, bloody, food. I would recommend a number 220 Conibear trap, set in a floating mink box. Fresh chicken liver would be my bait of choice. If you have natural standing (even a koy pond) or flowing water deep enough to force the mink to swim into the business end of the mink box to reach the bait that should remain alluringly above water level, you shouldn't need to worry about by-catch like tom cats. My daughter's tom cat avoids water like a sinner avoids revival meetings.
Mink or weasel? Mink are pretty good size and shouldn't be able to fit through an opening smaller than 1.5"

Weasels can fit through anything and have to be killed to prevent them from getting in unless the whole run is wrapped in hardware cloth. If a large mouse can get in then so can a weasel.
I'm pretty sure it was a mink.

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