Low temp first 4 days of incubation

Final update on the hatch: 6 bouncy fluffy chicks. 4 eggs did not hatch out of the 10 that went to lockdown. 24 eggs were set at first. My older chickens in 1 pen are still iffy on egg quality so alot of those eggs that didn't go to lockdown were not good from the beginning. I did open the 4 eggs that did not hatch. 2 were quitters after day 10 (very small development) 1 was soft with alot of moisture and 1 was fully formed and not too wet. I believe that last one might have made it up to day 20. All said, I would not give up hope for eggs that were incubated at low temps for the first few days. Everyone was so helpful and I thank you all for your replies.
Awesome! Congrats on the little ones!

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