TSC chicks!


Feb 25, 2015
Woodstock, IL

We got 6 black australorps last night! We aren't sure of what vaccines they received from the hatchery. I know that they used Townline Poultry which is in Zeeland, MI. If anyone knows that'd be great! We never bought from TSC before. We've only bought chicks from our local Farm and Fleet, and they come from cackle.
[COLOR=333333]Hello [/COLOR][COLOR=333333]:frow [/COLOR][COLOR=333333] and Welcome To BYC! [/COLOR]:woot
I really liked the chicks I've gotten from TSC! They turned put to be great layers and have lived awhile! Hope you have fun time with your chicks!

They seem to be happier under the red heat bulb than the 100w bulb.. I've always used 100w the past two years considering they're inside. But they didn't seem to warm up as quickly as my boyfriends ducklings.
Welcome to BYC
I have no idea what hatcheries in the US vaccinate for, so I'm afraid I can't help, but can you contact them and ask them? In the meantime, we have a great article in the Learning Center that I think you will find interesting and helpful. Enjoy the site!
Welcome to BYC :frow  I have no idea what hatcheries in the US vaccinate for, so I'm afraid I can't help, but can you contact them and ask them? In the meantime, we have a great article in the Learning Center that I think you will find interesting and helpful. Enjoy the site!

Thank you. I'm pretty new to this website group, and it's difficult to manage still.
Welcome to Backyard chickens. You really can't compare heat, etc. with your boyfriends - other things can come into play. His room temperature may be warmer than your etc. Do what works best for YOU.
Welcome to Backyard chickens.  You really can't compare  heat, etc. with your boyfriends - other things can come into play.  His room temperature may be warmer than your etc.    Do what works best for YOU.

I have his chicks and ducks until they build their brooders. They were cold and agitated. Now they're happy and not pecking!
Welcome to BYC!
I'm glad you joined our community.

The most common vaccination that hatchery chicks receive is for Marek's Disease. Some hatcheries also vaccinate for Coccidiosis. However, they usually only do this if you ask them to in your order. If the feed store didn't specify to receive vaccinated chicks, they may have received unvaccinated ones.
Welcome to BYC! :frow ​I'm glad you joined our community.

The most common vaccination that hatchery chicks receive is for Marek's Disease. Some hatcheries also vaccinate for Coccidiosis. However, they usually only do this if you ask them to in your order. If the feed store didn't specify to receive vaccinated chicks, they may have received unvaccinated ones. 

They are not vaccinated. So I will vaccinate them.

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