Help Hen or Rooster?


6 Years
Sep 9, 2013
Help... I recently got my first batch of backyard chickens.They were one week old, and identify as female. Ten weeks later, one of my pullets is substantially bigger then the others. This pullet is also the dominant bird in our flock. Here are a few pictures. What do you think, hen or rooster?

I'm thinking that comparing his comb growth to the others in the pictures, he's probably a cockerel.
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That is a lot of red comb and wattle for only 11 weeks old so I would ordinarily go for cockerel but the bird just looks like a pullet to me for some reason and there are no obvious sex feathers of a rooster.... I am not seing any hackle, saddle or sickle feathers. Could you be wrong about them being only a week old when you got them? If it was maybe 15-16 weeks old in the photo I would say she was probably an early maturing production red pullet at point of lay, but if it really is only 11 weeks (ie hatched early/mid Dec) then the chances are, it's a rooster.
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Other than size and comb comparison to the others ( which are different breeds or mixes), I also don't see convincing saddle, hackle or tail feathers. This may be a pullet. It is easier to tell when you have 2 of the same breed side by side at the same age to compare. Also agree, it she were just a week or so older, then definitely pullet.

I would keep watching and hoping. One of my BR hens had even a little larger comb and wattle at 12-13 weeks.

Why not also post this under forum "what breed or gender" to get more opinions.
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That bird looks like a cockerel to me, based on the larger redder comb, the tall stance, the thick legs, and the patchy red coloring on the wings.
We got 4 chicks from a local farm a week after Christmas. The farmer told me they where about a week old. Thanks for getting back to me. I'll keep an eye on her/him.

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