How can I tell if my chickens are cold hardy?


6 Years
Feb 27, 2015
I am going to buy some 17 week old hens, and I am wondering howI can tell how cold hardy they are. I live in CT and the past winter has been very cold and I am worried about whether or not they can stand the low temps.
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Most chickens do fine. If they have large combs you need to look out for frost bite and make sure your coop has adequate ventilation as the humidity is what can harm the birds in the cold.
I am going to buy some 17 week old Red Cross hens, and I am wondering how cold hardy they are. I live in CT and the past winter has been very cold and I am worried about whether or not they can stand the low temps.

"Red Cross"? As that is not a breed, it is difficult to comment on the specifics as it sounds like you are purchasing some mixed breed chickens (perhaps red sex links, perhaps just a cross of a red bird and something else?). As PuddinPuff said, the main concern regarding cold hardiness would be for single combed breeds with large combs prone to frost bite in cold, humid settings - making proper ventilation all the more important.
Yeah, sorry. I didn't realize that wasn't a breed. The Red Cross is a cross between a Rhode Island Red and a New Hampshire. I edited the question.
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