Chicken pecking at my feet after holding her.

I have a 5 week old Wydotte that comes up to me and slides her beak on my boot,so I pick her up and cuddle with her and set her back down but she just keeps on doing it.Then I pick her up again and cuddle with her and so on.Somtimes it just gets down right annoying.Unlike the Americana that I talked about in my last post,this silver laced Wyandottes not at the bottom of the pecking order I think it's for the same reason as the Americana and just wants love but what do you think.
I, too, have what I call her, a psycho chicken. I'm laying in bed in the morning and can hear her "moans" loud until I come let her out. Then she pecks my feet. Then I pick her up. She either makes happy noises or growls. When I put her down, she will attack my hand! When I'm taking care of the other pens, she is calling for me and continues to do so until I go back and pick her up. By then she's hopefully had enough and will leave me alone for a while. Sometimes I think her attacks are my punishment for not being at her beck and call!
All of these stories are so great!

If only my chickens enjoyed human contact as much, they were all more content to play amongst themselves...
We too have a 2 y/o Barred Rock named Oreo who has been lame since she was 6 mo old. Oreo comes up to me and stands on my shoes wanting to be picked up. We go sit on a bench and she falls asleep on my lap. But she is actually #2/8 in the pecking order. I think some are just more affectionate than others, just like the rest of us.
I also have a very affectionate 7 month old Barred Rock named Roget pronounced:

I don't know where the name came from. I had never heard the name before, however this very special baby chick came right up to me the first day & was extra friendly and has not changed (to my liking). One day, when it was time to start naming my chicks, she was the first one & the name just popped out of my mouth!? Now she just lets herself in, jumping over the barrier I put in front of the back door, and she comes in & jumps on my lap when I'm on the computer and closes her eyes when I pet her. Her voice sometimes brings tears of joy. Even though I have never had chickens in the past, I cannot imagine not having them now. The rest of my small flock are all special in some way, as well.

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