A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I’ve been in the same boat before. Last year I had at least 3 or 4 black poults start strutting and trying to gobble before they even hit a week old, I believe. It was a big thing I’d been looking forward to this year given how silly it was, but even with poults almost a month old, I haven’t had any black poults try and gobble or strut yet. Probably normal, but slightly disappointing!
Try taking someone with you. Mine wouldn't do anything in front of me but would put on a show in front of strangers.
Always love that already the big boy 🦃
Yes he already acts like the boss in the brooder. He is from my friend's turkeys, I hatch her eggs for her. I have another from the same parents that is a couple weeks older, but has brown on its head and more diluted looking. They are off a phenotypically barred slate looking tom and tri color mottled slate hens. She let's me keep the blacks I hatch. They look almost diluted if that makes sense. This is the other one at a week or so old. I was told it is a rusty black, but I wonder if it's dilute with some Narragansett and cg in the woodpile. The tom could be Bb CC Dd Nn and the hens are for sure Bb1 Ccg Dd. It will be interesting to watch them grow out.

I’ve been in the same boat before. Last year I had at least 3 or 4 black poults start strutting and trying to gobble before they even hit a week old, I believe. It was a big thing I’d been looking forward to this year given how silly it was, but even with poults almost a month old, I haven’t had any black poults try and gobble or strut yet. Probably normal, but slightly disappointing!
My Narragansett poults are early strutters, and apparently blacks too as a tri color mottled black and a rusty black poult from my December hatch strutted before a week old. Must be something about black turkeys. And every time mine have strutted that early they have been for sure males, so far. None that have strutted that early have ended up being female. But I know it does happen. None of my sweetgrass, cornish palms, or red phoenix have strutted early.

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