Can anyone help improve my hatch rate?

Hi, well I tried to move all the eggs around the incubator so they weren't stuck in cold spots, maybe I missed that one. Ok I will try for higher next time round, I did fill up all the water trays but the humidity just wasn't going up enough so I sprayed a little water in too and if any eggs that had pipped looked a but dry I wrapped them in wet tissue. No they weren't wet or sticky or shrink wrapped, they looked normal. I didn't use weights or calculator but I marked on them and they seemed to be developing fine, one had a really big air sac although the rest were fine
If you need more humidity, the best thing I have found is wet sponges. I always use wet sponges in mine.
Everything looks like you were on track. Shipped eggs? Local eggs? You know the breeder flock??

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