Sick Hen


6 Years
Nov 30, 2013
Hi All, I noticed my hen was sick about 2 weeks ago when she showed no enthusiasm to eat in the morning. Initially I took her out of the flock, kept her warm etc, then realised she had an impacted crop. I followed some suggestions re: draining the crop, and administered olive oil & Epsom salts. She perked up a bit and I put her back with the flock. However I am noting that she's not looking well at all again.
Symptoms are - not enthusiastic to eat again, droopy looking, head pulled into body. I checked & the crop issue seems to be resolved, but she feels light (she would have lost weight over this time). She is 2 yrs old and her other flock members seem fine. There is no evidence of discharge or coughs. When I treated her for impacted crop her comb was bright red, but it's now dull & small.
Any suggestions appreciated. Thank you

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