What breed is this


12 Years
Jun 15, 2010
hi everyone. I have 5 week old chicks and I know the breed of 2 of them but can't tell which is which for the last 2. They are supposed to be cream legbar, black jersey giant, black copper marans and dominique.


this last one was hard to take picture off and I have no clue what it is. Should be black copper marans but doesn't look like it? I got them from my pet chicken

anyone know what it is? And ides on sex would be helpful too. Thank you so much.
Agreed. They all appear to be pullets. Cream Legbars, Dominiques, and Cuckoo Marans are Sex-Linkable. Meaning the males and females hatch in different colors. The Legbar is the female color, and with barred/cukoo birds the females will have more black, and the males will have more white in their barring. So all those should be female… even though the Dominique has a large comb for it's age. The black Jersey Giant also have the body type of a pullet. A male should be wider, have slower feathering, thicker legs, and showing more of a comb.
Thank you so much for all answers. I was seriously convinced I ordered black copper marans. Went to check the order history and says I ordered silver cuckoo marans. I am still baffled as to why I would do that. I really hope the dominique ends up being a girl. It's my daughter's favorite and would hate to see it go

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