4-h pigeon project

Yes, you can usually show both a young bird and a breeding pair in the three classes; flying, fancy and utility. So one if they desired they could show 6 pens of pigeons.
Id be very interested in how showing etc of 4-H, classes types etc, work, in detail. or where one would look up.
A search of "4h pigeon" pulls up some reference pages. We haven't found much detailed info. The pigeon project has been pretty much a self-research project for us. Our standard paperwork has been a journal of income/expense. Out here the kids can exhibit a total of 12 birds, (combined total of all feathered critters). They can enter extra birds in Open class if they have them, or extras of same breed/age.
My kids have showed Pigeons in 4-H for a few years now and its no different that how they do the chickens or how the show them at a pigeon show, at our achievement days you can show a hen, a cock, or a pair.
We are able to show young hen, young cock, old hen, old cock per variety/breed. If the kids have a extra bird, we adjust as needed, one of the advantages of being superintendent. We don't like leaving lone birds at home during fair and we do our best to work them in for the kids.
Our county fair almost closed last year due to lack of funding, premium money is the reason for the limit of entries per kid.
I've gotten three fantails now from a friend, and the two older maturing ones are doing cool creepy neck shaking thing.. just got other one n its sick/weak from being bullied by rest n her rollers (it bosses four rollers gotten from her also), so only seen it lil bit doin, n maybe cause its shy of being seen n held. she says all hers do that and thought was neat n how supposed to be.. head n body stay perfectly still while neck belly dances and snake wiggle jiggles.
What breed or mix are these???
they have small thin/delicate head body and legs set wide. tails as great as and show bird and as wide as can be, but neck extremely thick n cranes etc set arched horse looking.

Thoughts or comments on possibilities?
I've seen Indian fantails, original standard American fantails (a childhood favorite), and the monstrosity new standard american faintails. I've seen others but can't remember. senji ("neck shaker") family, i know has fantail varieties, but sooo many.

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