food/water in sleeping quarters?


In the Brooder
Jun 25, 2015
I was about to lock the new chickens inside their coop and wondered if water/food should be put in with them for the night or will they just sleep? the food and water dispenser takes up a lot of room so
would prefer to leave in their run for the morning.
what do you all do?
they will be let out first thing in the morning.
While at roost they will have no need or desire to eat or drink - they will, however, wake hungry and thirsty after a long night's rest so it is imperative that if they are to be separated from food/water overnight they be released to access those things immediately in the morning.
I keep food & water in my coop. I usually let them out by 6:00, but today I slept in (oops). I woke up at 7:15 & ran out about 100mph! They also go in the coop throughout the day & they do eat inside & the water in the coop stays nice & cool. I do have a lot of room, so it's up to each person & their situation. I had two ticked off horses this morning, too. It's nice to have a 2nd source of food & water just in case.
I keep food and water out of the coop and in the run all of the time. My run is extremely secure (I don't believe any set-up is 100% predator proof - as soon as I start thinking that I'll get complacent about repairs or trouble spots and then I'll have an issue) so I leave my pop door open 24/7, 365 days a year. I'm too lazy to get up when they do.
I keep water and feed in the coop as well, but I have a horizontal nipple waterer jug that takes up very little room and doesn't cause spills(tho it does drip a tad).
The are up and eating/drinking before I am inclined to let them out.
I don't want to attract wild birds to the run, plus my run doesn't have a solid roof so weather is an issue with the feed.
Keeping food in the run over night can draw rodents too.

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