

In the Brooder
8 Years
Sep 19, 2011
I added some "tight" lattice to the bottom of my coop to enclose it on 3 sides (leaving one side open for access for shade)

This had me thinking, would lattice keep out predators?? Adding lattice alongside the chainlink of the dog pen I am using for the run. Would predators be able to tear it apart? I live in Rhode Island, so the most I would deal with would be Coons, possums, cats, and maybe a stray dog or something.

It's this type with the really small holes:

I added some "tight" lattice to the bottom of my coop to enclose it on 3 sides (leaving one side open for access for shade)

This had me thinking, would lattice keep out predators?? Adding lattice alongside the chainlink of the dog pen I am using for the run. Would predators be able to tear it apart? I live in Rhode Island, so the most I would deal with would be Coons, possums, cats, and maybe a stray dog or something.

It's this type with the really small holes:

If you put it on the inside I think you would be ok,on the outside they would have more leverage to possibly break it.
a big enough dog will break right through lattice, an opossum or coon will chew through it in a matter of minutes. It's not going to be very predator proof on it's own. Being that you're putting it on the chainlink, i would think it would be ok though. how tall is the fence? is the run covered? I'd be more concerned with something going over the top
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sounds like it's just covering chain it's only "decorative"...chain link will keep everything out as long as the edges are secure...

lattice alone will probably not...unless you use the extra thick stuff or molded plastic lattice and anchor the edges well...that will deter/slow down will likely see signs of chewing for a short while before it's finally penetrated

This is the build. I was going to line the inside of the chain link with hardware cloth, but it's so darn expensive. Plan on making a roof out of chain link backed with hardware as well. However, are you saying that as long as I anchor (metal strap) the edges of the chain link, I wouldn't need hardware cloth? I was thinking that a sheet of lattice is MUCH cheaper (although would block the view) and was going to line it inside the chain link as an extra barrier. Not going with a solid roof at this time over the pen. Yes, the "nest box" side will be enclosed as well.

I should also mention that I am in a densly packed city block, not out in the country of RI. I know predators are out there everywhere and we can't always see them, but I've never had a trace of weasel or fisher cat around here.

What about woodchucks? Do they do any damage to chickens? Don't laugh, but what about squirrels? Will they try and steal the eggs?
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that's a pretty small run that your coop is in...but you gotta work with the space ya got...

just make sure the coop doors and windows are secure...hardware cloth over the windows if you leave them open...

the current run will not keep anything out but a dog...possum, coons, etc with climb the coop has gotta be secure...

extend the corner posts up and add an upper fencing and top..and close the gaps at the top of the gate...

and make sure all the fencing and wire cloth edges are secure and nothing can squeeze thru...critters will get thru the smallest of openings...

a small possum/squirrel/rat might squeeze thru the chain link...but might be too small to threaten grown chickens...maybe get the eggs...I don't know...haven't even seen "chain link" size possum in action...
You may have missed the part where I mentioned putting a roof over the

The run isn't that big, I know, but one of the reasons we are building the coop/getting chickens is to use this dog pen that we've had about 9 years. For me to remove it now and build a run from scratch kind of kills one of the reasons we are doing this(not to mention adding cost). We are only getting 3 chickens at a time, so I think they will have plenty of room.
plenty of room for 3 chickens...just extend the posts and cover the top securely...small critters will get thru the chain link run but if you close the coop at night it shouldn't really matter much.

if your coop remains open at night then you want tighter fencing for your run...

My coop has no's open 24/7...but it's completely enclosed be a run with hardware cloth, chicken wire (that I will probably upgrade) and a roof...they free range in the day but the run is closed up at night

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