HELP! one of my chick's buts looks horrible

If it is pasty, here is how we fix it:

Take the chick and hold it gently but firmly. Put the water on a faucet to warm but not hot. Stick its back end under the faucet and rub the back end (may want gloves for this
) until the droppings are loose enough that the skin won't tear as you pick it off. Soap is not necessary on a young chick.
After it is all clean, it will probably poop a lot, to clear out. Its back end will be sore for a little while, but it shouldn't be bleeding. Dry it off gently with a towel or paper towel and make sure it doesn't catch a chill.

Best of luck!
In addition to Gitabook's good advice, let me add a couple of things...first of all, pasty doesn't necessarily mean a pasty consistency. Pasty butt can be very dry and hard as concrete. Once you get that little hiney cleaned off, you can use a Q-tip or even the corner of a bit of paper towel and dab a little olive oil, Vaseline, or coconut oil on the area just around the vent. Just because you get the first glob cleaned off doesn't mean there won't be more in a day or so, and usually if one chick has it, you'll have a few with it. Last year was my first year with chicks, and I had 21 chicks - I was trying to figure out how 21 chicks had 42 hineys, because it seemed like cleaning them was all I did for a couple of days! Then I learned that cleaning it off isn't always enough. The oil or Vaseline helps keeps poop from sticking again. Make sure your temp in brooder isn't too hot. That sometimes seems to aggravate Pasty Butt. Good luck!
Ok thanks! I tried that. There were two like that I had to do one started looking better and pooped 4 times the other only pooped once and is looking worse. Fingers crossed for the morning.

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