13 week old chicken

  1. C

    New and need help!

    Hey everyone! Im excited to join this group. I currently have 19 chickens. I bought a 13 week old black copper maran yesterday and she had the chicken in a box ready for pickup so I didn't really get a good look at the feathers until today and now I'm worried it could be a rooster! What do yaal...
  2. agold23

    First time chicken owner with a mystery sexxed bird!

    Hi, this is my first post here. I am a first time chicken owner with a flock of 5 hens and a rooster.... or so we thought. A bit of backstory: my dads friend is a HUUUGE chicken fanatic- she has over 200 chickens and countless more turkeys. She was so kind enough to lend me some for the summer...
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