7 week old chicks

  1. S

    1st time chicken mom

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? Yes I Just got chicks in June (2) How many chickens do you have right now? I have 4 7week old chickens (3) What breeds do you have? I am not sure Picture below 2 black ones with brown/red on chest 1 yellow 1 with feathers on legs...
  2. Clucky Chicky Mama

    What Breed? 2 chickens

    Hi! I’m a first time chicken mama to 2 chicks that were hatched at our elementary school. Would love some help identifying what we have. They are 6-7 weeks old. Thinking the brown one might be an Easter Egger because of the greenish feet? Also, it’s comb is completely flat against its head...
  3. HannahsHobbyFarm

    Adult hen going after 7 week old chicks

    I have 3 silver laced Wyandottes (3 yrs old) who are targeting my 7 week old chicks relentlessly. All other older hens (14 total) do just fine with everyone new. Normal pecking here and there. The babies (22 total) have been in a brooder/run setup inside the current big run, so everyone’s...
  4. M

    Sexing 7 week old Pekin bantam, Polish and silkie !!! Help!!!

    Hi everyone, This is my first time having chicks but we had a v.stubborn broody silkie so I twist DH arm into buying her some day old chicks (chickens for my chicken don’t count right) … I think I may have had worst luck and have all boys . They are 7 weeks old today. I’m hoping to still keep...
  5. Duckduckgoosie

    Doughy crop

    First time dealing with a crop issue. I don’t think this 7 week old was accessing the grit. Restricted feed, did a day of yogurt, and started the lemon juice concoction recommended here...
  6. S

    My Easter egger and black copper Maran looks like they might be male?

    Out of the 6 chicks I received, now they are 7 weeks old and I’m starting to doubt if they are all pullets. Daphne my EE And copper is my black copper Maran. Daphne is larger and when she screams out her voice is different from the others. She’s always been the biggest chick but the most timid...
  7. CrisKay

    6-7 week old muts! Gender?

    Hii! First time ever posting :D I got two almost 7 week old chicks that had been super slow to feather, and I fear they may be both cockerels. Their parents are also muts so it has been really hard for me to tell right away what are they :S is it still too early to tell or i'll have to think...
  8. D

    7 week old chick crop issues

    Hello!! I've ordered two Mystic Marans and one of them has developed beautifully and with no issues. The first time I noticed any issues with her sister was when she was about 2 weeks old. I noticed her crop being larger than normal and I was hopeful that it would flatten overnight. To keep...
  9. L

    Too hot/humid in Garage?

    I moved my chicks to the garage today. They were outgrowing their inside brooder situation and also starting to get flighty. Enter the window screen brooder(see pic below). I like it, but it’s in the garage and as you can see from the thermometer(see pic below and actually just checked it, with...
  10. S

    Integrating 7 week chicks into 17 week old flock

    Hi all, we are first time chicken raisers and are struggling to figure out how to manage the merging of our two young flocks. We have two hens who are 17 weeks old, and three chicks who are now 7 weeks old. For the past 3 weeks, we’ve put the chicks out every day in a fenced off area of the yard...
  11. mozzar_ELLA

    Chick transfer in California

    Two of my chicks are almost 7weeks old. They’re almost all feathered only missing head feathers and about a quarter size on each side of there flank up under the wings. They’re outside all day in the run or free ranging but I’m still bringing them in at night. We live in the Sacramento area...
  12. S

    White Silkie and Polish Gender???

    I’ve have an 8 week old white Silkie and silver laced polish. What do you all think on the gender? The Silkie is the dominant one out of the bunch and started crowing a couple days ago. My brother said that his dominant hens crow in the mornings too. The Polish is very calm and not aggressive...
  13. chicksonline

    7 week old chicken

    i have this chick but i’m unsure of the gender and breed, pictures attached, for 7week old it has the comb and tail but has no wattles so it has confused me what do you think!
  14. Fwchickens

    What is going on with this BC Maran?

    This is a 7 week old BC Maran. My question is what is going on with it’s feathers? It is hard to photograph but they almost look frizzled. The shaft is extremely fine, the feathers curl and seem fuzzy. Has anyone had a bird like this? Does this go away with maturity?
  15. Fwchickens

    Ameraucana gender game!

    These are 7wk old Lavender/self blue Ameraucanas hatched from shipped eggs. All but one hatched from the pointiest eggs I think the breeder could find and while it’s a wives tale, I think I have 3 cockerels and one pullet. Let me know what you think. Also they have been very slow to feather and...
  16. ChickenMama1980

    We introduced our 6-7 week old flock to their NEW coop today!

    This is our first flock... this is our custom, DIY garage coop! I will be working on the run this coming weekend. Here's a YouTube link for the full tour of the coop: I will attach some photos too... my boys enjoyed picking a bunch of dandelions and presenting the girls with a big salad!
  17. A

    7wk old chick tucking head shaking and backing into wall...HELP!

    I have had grown chickens before but never baby chicks. I have a 7wk old light Brahma named Yeti that curls its head upside down shaking it back and forth while backing up until she hits a wall. Maybe slightly unbalanced but No obvious paralysis wing or leg. I also noticed that her irises are...
  18. ChickenChickie13

    Help! Can 1 week old Seabright bantams be integrated with shy 8 wk old Buff Orpington pullet?

    So we're brand new to the chicken world. My husband and I have 2 outgoing Saphire Gems, 1 Americana that has quite the personality, and a very shy, timid Buff Orpington. All are 7-8 weeks old. Sugar, our Buff, gets pushed around by the other girls. She spends all her time trying to get away from...
  19. CPT

    How long to leave chicks outside?

    Hi! We have some 7 week old Wyandotte chicks that we felt were getting too big for the brooder. So we moved them into their new coop! Kept them inside for 2 days so that they get to know their new "home" and just let them out today. Our existing flock and roosters seem to be integrating with...
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