Too hot/humid in Garage?


Apr 29, 2021
I moved my chicks to the garage today. They were outgrowing their inside brooder situation and also starting to get flighty. Enter the window screen brooder(see pic below). I like it, but it’s in the garage and as you can see from the thermometer(see pic below and actually just checked it, with the garage door down for the last 2 hours, it’s now over 80, but humidity has dropped), plenty warm and humid in here. I know in their coop they’ll deal with hot MN summers, but to me there’s more wind/breezes/air movement since the coop is outside. This is not that. Do you suggest I put a fan in the garage to help circulate air? When I’m home during the day, I will keep my car outside on the driveway, and I plan to get the chicks out in their temporary coop but it’s not predator proof, so that is only for a couple of hours when I’m home. I can also open the garage door to let air move in/out, but again, only when I’m home. We have no service door to open to the outside nor windows to open to the outside. What would you do? Thanks so much!

Also, anything with the brooder construction you would change/add/takeaway? Tia!

And if you’ve got this far, thanks for reading! I assume I don’t leave a light on overnight right? This would be their first night without the heat lamp on. (Our basement is freezing bc of A/C. And we still have 2 smaller chicks.)


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I brood all my chicks in the garage. We leave the door open during the day to promote air flow and close it at night. Those open sides will probably provide great ventilation! I think they will be okay! I am in MI and its been hot hot hot here too!

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