
  1. HappyFeetHens

    Reevaluating Boer/Meat Goat Feed - HELP!

    One of my Boer does is a yearling (born November 2018) and she’s just so small for her age. She’s a normal height, very long body and nicely built, and at fair, we were told she was built very well, with a nice long body and neck, but simple too small. She has no depth, little width, and I just...
  2. J

    Best crop for chickens, turkeys and ducks.

    I have been looking to plant some crops in a separate run so I can take them off of the run when I need to replant the crops. I need to know which crop is best for a mixed flock. I am currently thinking about oats or alfalfa but would like to hear your opinions, thanks.
  3. WannaBeHillBilly

    Fodder Question 2: Alfalfa seeds with a white coating, what's that?

    Bought some Alfalfa from the local seed store to try to make some Alfalfa fodder for the Duckies. The seeds are coated in something white: The coating washes away during soaking and this is how Alfalfa seeds should look like: Now what is that white stuff? And is that eventually toxic or...
  4. analyticalblonde


    Hi All, I want to try and grow some sprouts for my girls (I have 10), especially for the very cold, winter months coming soon, and came across this great sprouter on Amazon: It already comes with Alfalfa seeds for sprouting but also talks...
  5. B

    Feeding Tortoise Food to Quail?

    Hi everybody, I'm currently in the process of raising baby quail, and I was wondering if this food would be O.K. to feed them. I already have this, so I figured I may as well use it. It wouldn't be the only thing I give them to eat; it would...
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