
  1. P

    Wounded chicken from fox attack

    I had a hen get snatched by a fox yesterday evening around 6pm and drug into the woods. By 8pm she was running into the side of the pen wanting in...she escaped the fox! We let her in and locked her up. When i let her out today I noticed she had quite a few feathers missing, reached for her...
  2. Rhythmoflove_11

    Help! Will he live?

    Our rooster got attacked the night before last. By a opossum we believe. I was running late for work in the morning so they didn’t get checked until 1:30pm. They always still have food and water so I wasn’t worried. When I found him he already had maggots in the wound, we cleaned him up as best...
  3. hugitnotnugget

    Hen getting picked

    Soo got this hen as a pullet. She has always been skiddish and always acts like the world is coming to an end. As a pullet I introduced her to the adult hens and the first thing she did was run straight up to them and aggressively pecked their ankles.. that’s how she got the name Talus. As an...
  4. silkie2001

    I don’t know what to do! Emergency?!

    Two nights ago for the first time in my life my chickens have been attacked by some sort of animal, I live in Phoenix Arizona so it’s likely a coyote or a fox because I believe I’m close enough to Tempe for them to be here too. I had four silkie chickens and now I’ve got two, one of the chickens...
  5. Tilly6

    Ducks got attacked last night

    So my son went out to a bloodbath this morning. One duck dead, another critically injured, 7 more injured. I need to know if you all think I need to euthanize some more. First and third are the same duck. There are 4 runner ducks holding their necks like this. I assume a raccoon was trying to...
  6. E

    Goose attacked by dog

    My goose was attacked by the neighbours dog today and lost about 1.5cm of beak. I have put antiseptic on the beak, and washed it out (it was bleeding quite a lot). The vet that deals with geese is not working right now, or probably for at least a couple of more days. What should I do? Do beaks...
  7. Gooseypoo

    Help! Drooling duck who was attacked unable to swallow

    Yesterday morning I went out to let the ducks (4) and geese (2) out of the barn and found that something had gotten into the duck stall killing one of our female Indian runners and injuring our female khaki Campbell. It was about 2 degrees out so everybody was already cold when I let them out...
  8. Kimmyh51

    Ducks head wounds, whats doing it? Slightly graphic photos)

    hi guys. I have had a number of the wild mallards that live here, show up with really nasty abrasions all around the same area of their head lately. all of the ducks were wild mallards, none of my domestic ducks have been attacked. Most of the ducks were juvenille females. One was a 2&1/2...
  9. chicken singer

    Hen attacking other hen

    Hi there, Cosmo is the queen of my chicken coop, but she has taken to attacking Cheeko chicken in particular to the point I am worried she will kill her. Cheeko is an older girl and has trouble walking, so when Cosmo comes to attack her, it doesn't help that Cheeko cant get out of the way. When...
  10. Sammiboo867

    PLEASE IMMEDIATE HELP! Crest ripped off on pekin duck!

    please please anyone that can help. My rooster, who as of today is no longer with us ...ripped the crest damn near clean off my pekin duck girls head. She was covered in blood head to tail when I got home and it just looks like bloody mushy skin at the top of her head where her crest USED to be...
  11. Puckaster

    Chick limping after attack, advise?

    Hello. We had 3 chicks hatch yesterday out of 6 eggs. The hen had gone broody in one of the coop nest boxes where 2 other chickens lived. Id left her in there to hatch the 6 eggs I had ordered off the internet and then was planning on moving them all this morning to a new run to be by themselves...
  12. Olufemi Williams

    My baby Leg-horn chicken has been attacked by a vicious wild Labrador dog.

    This has caused some serious anger to me when I found out early this morning about around early seven o'clock that my baby chickens has been attacked. It has been taking me a while for my birds to grow because of the weather and environment they live in. The neighborhood is in peace, but their...
  13. orange_marmalade

    Chicken was Attacked. No Blood or Wounds but can't/ or won't Cluck. Help!

    When I went to check on my chicken and duck today I noticed a lot of feathers on the ground and all the eggs were broken. I don't see or feel any wounds on her and it looks like she is only missing her tail feathers, but when she tries to cluck only a sneeze like sound comes out or nothing at...
  14. rabiee

    Lost my only female duck

    Came home an hour after my husband had left (everything was fine then) and my flock was up by the road which they never do and one hen was missing. Then my two ducks were nowhere to be seen and they are always with the chickens. So I start walking our property and then check our brook. I found...
  15. L

    Crazy Chicken (Blood Warning)

    Hi guys, we have had five chickens in a spacious coop for going on two years now. The chickens have always gotten on fine, and are extremely passive compared to chickens I've seen in the past. This morning my dad got up to clean the cage and found four of the five chickens had blood pouring from...
  16. SherryLynn51

    Crazy in love with Chickens

    Hello! I'm so thrilled to find this wonderful community. My name is Sherry Lynn and I'm the proud owner of 4 Plymouth Rocks, 3 Amberlinks, 3 browns, 3 comets, 4 Americaunas, 1 Asian, 1 Australorp, 1 Indian Blue Runner duck, 1 brown duck, 1 Pekin duck, 1 silkie, and 2 Polish. I started out...
  17. T

    Older Male Guinea Attacking Younger Guineas

    Hi, I own a few chickens and originally, one male guinea . I enjoyed my first guinea so I decided to get two more. I got them as chicks, and the old guinea has got along with them just fine until now. I found them a couple days ago with there backs bloodied up and one of them's leg hurt. I...
  18. Elowynn

    dislocated jaw?

    Hello I have a 5 week old wyandotte who might have a dislocated beak. I was holding her and my neighbors puppy got out and put her entire head in her mouth. There are no cuts no bleeding but she is shaken up and now her beak is off set, hanging open and she won' eat or drink. Does anyone have...
  19. Jayecookie

    Grief of one of my chickens (graphic) need help, I'm filled with hate

    I am filled with hate. My girl was healing, it had been 2.5 weeks and her wound was looking so much better. believe me, it was extravagant to see. but... she died. very recent actually. i'm still grieving as i'm writing this. I know exactly how she died. Besides her being a little malnourished...
  20. Just Hatch duck

    Duckling Attacked...

    Hi, I've started breeding ducks after having 2 females and a drake, I've had a few chicks naturally and a few where incubated and I sold all but 2 and was hoping to keep them since there both hens and give them to my uncle once they start to lay. There about 3.5 weeks old and I've placed one of...
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