beak color

  1. M

    Odd white spot on beaks

    Hi all, Yesterday afternoon, I went out to see if the birds were using a new type of water dish I put out for them. It had only been about 5 or so hours. The dish has nipples they have to push to get water. I did catch 4 of the 7 birds and used their beaks to push the nipples so they would...
  2. M

    Help! What is this? Pekin duckling

    4 day old Pekin duckling. Does anyone know what this is??
  3. Neco

    Help Me Make an Article/Guide that Shows the Different SOP Beak, Shank, Eye, & Skin Colors!

    Hi Everyone! I know I've struggled to find good examples of the proper colors mentioned in the breed standard books so I've decided to try to make a guide that I will turn into an article in order to help others, but I need your help! WHAT I'M LOOKING FOR FROM YOU: I am looking for photo...
  4. MissGreenJeans

    Yellow beak changed color

    Hi! I’ve noticed an odd recent change, and I don’t know if it’s normal or indicative of something wrong. I have an Easter egger and an olive egger who used to have yellow beaks. They’re 11 months old now. I noticed a few weeks ago that their beaks were no longer yellow. I’ve attached a file of...
  5. Piccapii

    Welsh Harlequin Sexing - Are they male or female?

    Hi everyone, I wanted to post in this forum because it's become my bible as during isolation from COVID-19 I decided to hatch my own Welsh Harlequin eggs, and previously knew nothing about raising or hatching ducks. (I was always planning on getting ducks, isolation just seemed like the perfect...
  6. Squeak61

    Goose beak changing color

    Hello everyone. As my African goose is maturing and her knob is starting to grow, her black beak is starting to turn a orange around the edges of her beak, and almost her entire knob. I’m very confused on where this orange is coming from. I bought her from Metzer as a baby. Could she possibly be...
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