Odd white spot on beaks


Feb 23, 2021
Hi all,
Yesterday afternoon, I went out to see if the birds were using a new type of water dish I put out for them. It had only been about 5 or so hours. The dish has nipples they have to push to get water. I did catch 4 of the 7 birds and used their beaks to push the nipples so they would know it's water. Upon closer inspection, the birds did not drink with the nipples and were thirsty. I took the top off and let them drink freely. Maybe it would have been a better time for another lesson in how to get water.
When I first saw the birds, I was shocked all had white stuff on their beaks. The white is hard and did not come off on touch. Every bird, even the broody hen had it. I made sure they had an open water source (no nipples) and lots of food. This morning, the white is still there, but the birds seem otherwise happy and healthy. They are walking around, and eating. The water level in the bucket has gone down as well so I know they are drinking. Is the white around the beak something I should worry about? Anything else I should look for?
About the birds. I have 2 pullets, 3 hens and a cock. 1 hen and the cock are 3+ years. The others are 2 years old. All are Rhode Island Red except for the two pullets. They are a mix of RIR and Partridge Rock. With the exception of a bit of frostbite on the male comb, everyone seems to be active, eating, drinking and otherwise happy. This is only one coop. I have a second coop and the birds do not have white on the beaks. I did not enter this coop. My son and I are dividing up the chores so we don't mix birds, at least not until we can figure out what is causing this spot on the beaks.


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That's quite normal, just dry skin. Nothing to worry about!
I wouldn't bother with it, but if you want you can apply coconut oil to help moisten the skin.
Either way they'll be fine!
Thank you. I'm so glad it's noting more serious. With the weekend coming, we will catch and oil all the birds it's been very dry here indeed.

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