bloody egg

  1. The_Chicken_Tender

    Many Bloody Eggshells from Different Hens

    I just collected some eggs, and I found about seven that have blood on the shell. I haven't collected in two-three days, and I know that these eggs are from at least four different hens. I have had the occasional bloody egg, but never from multiple hens at once. I am a little worried because I...
  2. divineangel94


    I have a hen who looked healthy but hasn’t eaten too much. She’s six years old. This morning I found a soft shelled egg (that the chickens already devoured) with this bloody stuff in it. I have gotten soft shells before, just not like this. She still eats some treats and applesauce. I gave her...
  3. Browniethechicken

    Bloody egg on new layer?

    My pullet australorp just started laying eggs. Today I found a little smudge of blood on the egg. Should I be concerned? Normal? It may have been her first egg. We have two newly pullet layers and one girl is laying every day and her eggs are very light brown. This was a dark egg which I’ve...
  4. CloneFly

    Bloody Yolks

    Hello, I went to cook some of my girl's fresh eggs and there was one that was pretty bloody... (see attached image) Is this something I should be concerned about? She has been laying for about 2-3 months. We do have a juv male goose but he's pretty good around the girls and hasn't mounted them...
  5. G

    Bloody egg white

    Cracked some eggs into a pan today, and one of them had blood all through egg white. Looking closer, there was a thick "blood cord" attached to the yolk. It couldn't have been a fertilized egg. We lost our rooster about 2 months ago. And they're in an enclosed run. This egg had been in the...
  6. CHlCKEN


    My best and most favorite hen, Joy broke an egg inside of her a week ago. After some meds to keep her from getting infected it happened again. Each time slowly the yolk would drain out of her system- but today she payed an egg shell with he insides full of blood and bloody outside. What is this...
  7. L

    Sick or depressed?

    Hi everyone, I recently lost my 5 year old silkie due to oviduct blockage. She was laying soft-shelled eggs and had 'solid material' in the oviduct. She was humanely euthanised last week. Now, my second egg-layer (3 year old French Marans) is looking very unwell. She was laying very small...
  8. Cluckingitup

    Blood on egg

    Background: 9-5 hen had prolapse that was put back and has stayed. Had one egg that weekend then none until yesterday, both normal looking. Today she laid an egg with blood on it. She seems to return to nest boxes and sits then comes out again ( I let them in yard while I am outside). She is...
  9. BigBlueHen53

    Help With Hen Laying Bloody Egg

    Why is my hen laying a bloody egg? It doesn't happen every day, or even very often, but every oce in a while I will get an egg with a ring or a smear of blood around it. Can any of you tell me what this means or if I need to worry about it? Sometimes this is like skid marks, as if the hen's...
  10. L

    TINY blood filled "fairy" egg and no yolk????

    So the other day my bardrock hen laid a super small egg. I thought nothing of it and heard later that it was normal. I thought it was weird but washed it and put it into my fridge. Well today I was making meatballs and needed some extra moisture. I didnt particularly want a whole other egg, so...
  11. LemonyCatapult

    Silkie Pullet laid a bloody egg?

    I have a Silkie who started laying about 2 months ago and today I found this bloody egg. She’s completely healthy and eating and drinking fine, no bloody stool whatsoever, just on the egg. Obviously it’s not a significant amount of blood but just checking if this is normal or not? I want to get...
  12. XoPandora


    so I have a question the last few weeks every now and then we get an egg that has blood smears on them. Today they pulled one out of the pin as all the others started targeting her today. So I came over as she's one of mine and sure enough there's blood all over her but. Is there any way to fix...
  13. J

    Dying chicken with bloody vent

    Hi, I am at a loss with what is causing my chickens to die. They are RI reds from TSC which were hatched in August. They have grown well and all appear to be healthy with good weight/size. They started laying in late November/ early December. I live in Western NY and it has been an unusually...
  14. R

    HELP! Hatching quail egg bleeding in incubator.

    So I'm completely new to incubating eggs. So I started with coturnix quails since they're easier compared to the rest. So ,as shown in the picture, the egg is bleeding probably from the inside and there is something sticking out. It could be a paw or the mouth. And today is the 20th day in...
  15. ShrekDawg

    Bloody egg

    Got this egg yesterday. Blood and what appears to be some sort of intestine or lining or membrane or something on it? Should I be concerned? There was also a broken egg in the box but I don't think it's related, I just haven't collected in a couple days. Also had 2 rubbery eggs, different days...
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