
  1. Birdsandnerds

    What's Wrong With My Muscovy?

    So I hope this is the appropriate area to ask for help. I wasn't quite sure. So sorry ahead of time if I posted in the wrong place. Anyways, I got some Muscovies ducklings about two months ago from a farm that I wasnt to sure about. My biggest issue with the farm was they didnt provide any of...
  2. Mrs Ugh

    2 Pullets dead quickly, remaining 2 are thin

    I am lost! How can I save my pullets? I posted a couple of weeks ago that I found one pullet very thin and wobbly . She couldn't really stand. I had already treated all with Corid since I had seen some strange pink droppings. I isolated her right away We tried to get her to eat and gave her...
  3. A


    I have a duck who was exhibiting botulism symptoms (started with lameness in one leg), who I took to the vet and after the vet gave me a protocol for a different malady, she ended up dying. Another one of my ducks is exhibiting the same symptoms and I do not want to take her to the vet, because...
  4. B

    Is my duck suffering from botulism ?

    Hello guys! I'm not an expert in raising ducks. So please help me. My parents got two ducks as pets. Recently, one of my ducks (a few months old) had a sudden attack, she started fluttering her wings and fell down. She is not able to walk and hold her head since then. We took her inside home...
  5. K

    Sick and dying ducklings, help!

    We lost one of five 4 week old ducklings yesterday. Didn't have a chance to try to save her as we woke up to the final stages. We think to botulism or some other neurological toxin due to her spasms and neck craning and paralysis. Very sad. The rest seemed perfectly fine. They stayed in a safe...
  6. M

    why did my chicken die?

    we fed and watered our 7 hens friday morning and friday night was a severe wind storm (we leave the coop hatch to the run open) and Pepper our tiny lace wing is low girl on the pecking order not sure she is always welcomed especially after we got rid of the roosters who might have protected her...
  7. A

    Sick chicken, we think botulism?? URGENT HELPPPPPP

    Hi all, I work for a homeowners association and one day about a year ago a little chick appeared, we began feeding it as we do with our ducks. We've grown attached to our little chicken and we think she has a case of botulism, we've seen it happen with two ducks here before. The cases in the...
  8. inky123

    Sick Lavender Orpington?

    We have a Lavender Orpington hen (DeeBee) that has become ill. Her comb is pale and she has lost weight and is very thin. She seems lethargic much of the time. This has been going on for about 3 weeks. A couple of times we have seen her "wobble" when walking, but it has only happened a couple...
  9. L

    HELP Sick Chicken - lethargic, heavy breathing, eating & drinking fine...

    My poor Frizzle Bantam (who is named chicken)! Recently quite broody but no longer. I noticed was starting to have a hard time walking or standing. She did lay one egg after I noticed the beginning of this behavior but has stopped laying since it has gotten really bad. Now she is more often...
  10. M

    New Member with concern of botulism

    Hello All. I have a Americana pullet who is coming into egg bearing age. She started showing (current) problems at least 2 weeks ago. I noticed she walked around with her wings hanging down and a change in her voice (raspy). This chicken has a history of coryza which she appeared to have...
  11. M

    New Member with concern of botulism

    Hello All. I have a Americana pullet who is coming into egg bearing age. She started showing (current) problems at least 2 weeks ago. I noticed she walked around with her wings hanging down and a change in her voice (raspy). This chicken has a history of coryza which she appeared to have...
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