breed in question

  1. T

    Is my rooster a mutt?

    I have a rooster that I bought from a feed store for my broody hen to adopt. Cheeks is now 9 months old and he is big! He's as tall and round as my tufted roman goose! In case you can't see the picture well, his body feathers are white and grey with brown and black/green specks. He has...
  2. Angeltears247

    Ameraucana with feathered feet?

    Hi all! I have 3 Ameraucana who are now 6 weeks old. I noticed today that one of the 3 (whom my 9 year old son has affectionately named "Rocket" after his favoritie Guardians of the Galaxy character ☺) has feathers growing on her legs and also that some of her toes turn! She's the only one out...
  3. EggMan207

    Chick Brred Question: Cream Legbars

    Does anyone have any reviews/experiences with Cream Legbars? I'm considering adding one or two to my flock. Are they winter hardy (able to handle extremely cold temps)? What's their egg production like?
  4. JasperMoon

    What breeds are they??

    Sorry i dont have better pictures, these guys are terrified of humans, im working with them (not touching yet) and they are slowly getting used to me. also these are old, the coop was cleaned
  5. CourtneyTartan

    Can anyone identify the breed of this duck?

    Found this baby duckling maybe about 4 weeks ago. It was lost with no mum in sight. It's starting to change and develop more but I have no clue what sort of duck it is. Or even if it's a local wild duck. Just wondering if anyone here might be able to throw some educated guesses my way?
  6. GeoGreyWolf

    Name that breed of Duck ...

    Hello all I just picked up 2 new female ducks. The brown one the owner called it a Camo? Never heard of that type of duck. Can anyone confirm what she is?
  7. Silkie_Mom

    What are we?!

    I purchased these little guys from the feed store a few days ago. They were labeled as Production Reds but boyfriend said they might be Sexlinks? Help us end the debate please!
  8. BuddyADucks

    New Roo

    I just picked up my new boy a few days ago. I'm new to chickens, mostly I've done ducks in the past, so trying to place this guy to a breed has been a challenge; didn't know there were so many chicken breeds. I thought he might have been a rock since he's black and white speckled but when I...
  9. SpaghettiJo

    What is she??

    Hi! Alright, so I have 6 chickens.. 2 are mysteries to me.. One i believe to be a red sex link, and the other I thought was an easter egger, but yesterday she laid her first egg, a brown speckled egg.. sadly i do not have a photo of it and it has since been eaten.. but it left me wondering...
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