breeds and cold weather

  1. Ashleys backyard farm

    How cold is too cold for my chickens?

    Hi there! I have 6 Rhode Island reds just under 1 year old and I also have 3- 14 week old pullets (silver laced Wyandotte, Australorp and an Easter egger). It’s going to get down to 19 degrees Fahrenheit this week and there’s so many articles online about chickens and colder temperatures. I’m...
  2. LunaMarieWolf

    Need help picking chicken breeds.

    I am thinking of adding new chickens to my flock and culling/rehoming some older hens who are struggling with the weather. I moved my flock from a shaded, tree-filled backyard in Arkansas to a open pasture with little to no natural shade in Oklahoma. Some of my hens are super hot and I know...
  3. Elijah Dery

    What breed ??

    Hi, My name is Elijah and i was wondering what is the best duopurpse duck breed for me. I live in a small acreage with neighbours close by so i would need a quiet breed, also a big breed because it can get pretty cold here in Canada. Thanks
  4. HCBeck

    Cold-Hardy or Heat-Hardy more important?

    I'm new to raising chickens and had a question about which breeds to order. If I live in a climate (I'm in Maryland) that can get down to the teens regularly in the winter and also into the 90's regularly in the summer, should I be looking for a cold-hardy or heat-hardy chicken? I assumed...
  5. chickenreyna

    are silkies considered cold hardy?&how about sebrights&seramas?

    I have read conflicting theories on silkies and cold weather. Last night was first nite it got down to almost nearly freezing temperatures, so i brought my serama and sebright in, plus my two banty easteregger pullets to be safe, but i assume the two bantam easter eggers are ok in cold as the...
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