bringing chicken inside

  1. NinjaGamer2022

    Chicken with injured vent, plucked tail, and vent gleet?

    It seems that my chickens got in a fight with one of my barred rocks (Dominique?) yesterday and they plucked it's tail and pecked at her vent. I washed it's tail and vent indirectly (I used warm water and soap and poured it one it's wounds). I brought it inside and today there is still some...
  2. C

    Broody hen regulating humidity to hatch?

    So I had to bring in my broody mama and her egg (she’s a bantam and the only viable egg left) because our temps here dipped into the single digits with negative wind chills. We have her set up in a corner of a room where it’s chilly but not cold, but of course that same room has a fireplace and...
  3. K

    Looking for suggestions

    Hello Thank you for adding me to the group. I have 16 backyard hens and 1 possibly 2 Rooster. I say "Possibly" as last spring we decided to let one of our hens, "Momma Mia" sit on her eggss, 16 eggs in all and 1 hatched. "Baby Nugget" We were hoping it was a rooster and just as we gave in to...
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