broken egg

  1. Jordan01

    Broken eggs

    I recently got chickens and the past two days found a broken egg in the egg box. The broken eggs are the only ones they've laid. How do I know it they're egg eating or if its thin shells? Would more bedding help?? What's causing these broken eggs??
  2. Ms. Crazy Chicken Lady

    Racoon attack pleae help!!!

    A racoon just attacked my 2 year old silver laced wyandotte. She is still alive and there is no blood but lots of missing feathers. 1/2 of her beak the lower half she cant move it, only the top half moves, one of her eyes is sealed shut it looks like she might have lost it but I cannot tell, the...
  3. Michael's Coop

    hen laying eggs, breaking one end on coop floor

    my hen made herself a little nest and when she lays, the egg smacks the floor of the nest box and cracks. it's causing ants. how can i fix this safely? maybe i can tack a cloth or a towel in there? any advice is appreciated!
  4. Chickenunsernam

    My hen literally pooped an egg- Please help!

    Hi everyone: I have an 11 year old hen, part leghorn, who in her day laid a many eggs. In her old age she stopped laying egg which I understand. However, she recently (like two days ago) starting laying eggs again, going in the nest box. The first egg was long and thin and oddly shaped. The...
  5. Nikole

    Is this a problem?

    We had a hawk attack yesterday. I believe only one hen was injured so she’s inside the house mending. Other two are out in the coop/run. So obviously yesterday was very stressful. Today is gorgeous weather so there even more upset being locked up than they would be. They went on a food strike...
  6. CPT

    Turkey underside

    Hi all! It looks like my turkey has diarrhea....her under carriage is all cakey, and her butt muscle / vent seems to be puffing out and looks irritated. Any suggestions on how to clean her undersides? Update: now that we have researched, it looks like an egg broke on the inside. Any...
  7. HomeBirthMama

    Very soft egg

    Hi! We had 3 Silkie hens and 2 roosters. Two of our hens started laying soft open eggs recently. Just this morning, one hen passed away. I thought it was a broken egg situation. Our one rooster was mating a hen, and the #2 rooster got into their area of run and knocked the rooster off the hen...
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