broken toe

  1. SheenaBee

    5mo Pullet /w folded toe. Break and set/splint?

    Good afternoon all, I have no idea how I didn’t notice this little ones toe when she was a little chick. By the time I saw it, she was about 12 weeks, but didn’t seem to be causing any problems or lameness and it was past the point of an easy chick-shoe solution. Fast forward to today, at...
  2. G

    Broken toe? Help please. Pics below

    Hi everyone. My Wellsummer came back to the coop with her toe like this a couple weeks ago, she limps and holds her foot up as you can see in the pictures it’s the middle toe and it’s swollen. she stays around the coop all day and is taking it easy, but she’s miserable. what can I do to help...
  3. DobieLover

    Broken 5th toe

    I posted about Fabio having potentially broken his 5th toe almost 2 weeks ago. He for sure broke it as it is now twisted 180 degrees from the correct position at the point of the break. The nail is now facing up instead of down. The skin looks black at the break. It still doesn't appear to...
  4. SplashyDashyChicksHatchi

    Chick with Broken Toe? Deformity? Non-urgent.

    We recently got 8 new chicks for raising then selling. We purchased 6 sapphire gems, 1 americauna, and 1 little barred rock. The barred rock seems to have a crooked toe. 2 days ago when we got them was when we noticed it. It looked like she got her middle toe broken when she was in the brooder...
  5. C

    Broken toe with bone sticking out

    Was hoping someone could help me ! I think my chicken got hit by a car but I’m not sure and I think her bone is sticking out of her toe and I have no idea what to do. She is eating, pooping, standing and I think she can take some steps. I was reading where people amputated toes and I was...
  6. MamaPeahen

    URGENT! Peachick leg caught in door

    My brother had accidentally closed our heavy wood door on my peachick's leg, and I found her bleeding. She doesn't seem to want to put any pressure on it, and I'm unsure if the leg is broken, her toes may also be broken. She was bleeding from her knee, and is sleeping in my lap right now. I'm...
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