buff orphington

  1. D

    1 month - Too early to tell?

    Ok! It's been a month. We are anxious to know what gender our Buff Orpingtons and Barred Rocks are! Is it too early to tell if my Eagle is a hen or a roo? And what about Honey? And then Pepper? Thanks for any help!
  2. T

    Unsure of Chick Breed/Age

    I received 3 chicks, to a day ago and one three days ago. As I didnt buy them directly I'm not quite sure their ages or breeds. Wasnt exactly a planned chickenhood. The first one is the one I got 3 days ago and the other are only from a day. Any help is appreciated!!!
  3. Lenflo

    Advice on stopping a broody hen

    Hello all We've had 2 chickens since last year and this is my first time dealing with a worrying situation so please forgive my ignorance. We have an 8 month old Buff Orpington. She has been broody for about 2 days now. As this is my first time experiencing a broody hen I have been unsure on...
  4. Aryetheral Waalburgus

    Just got baby chicks! Pics!

    I got 3 little female chicks from Southern States yesterday to add to my flock of 5. They are doing quite well! One Ameraucana, I think I'm gonna name her Tzipporah: One Buff Orpington, I'm gonna name her Sappho: And one Blue Plymouth Rock, name as of yet undecided:
  5. RidleysRoostingLadies2020

    Beginning a Backyard Layers Coop

    Hey! My name is Breanna, I'm 27 years old. I grew up and still live in a small country town in Northwest Georgia. Between four kids and school, I decided that I also needed a hobby. This hobby just so happened to involve my husband dumping his time and money into building a brooder for a small...
  6. BuffBrahmaDramaMomma


    Sesame and Goldie hanging out
  7. L

    can I give my chicken human amoxicillin?

    My buff Orpington is 7 months old, she became sick a few days ago. One of her eyes was swollen and had bubbles in it. But we have started treating her with Neosporin and saline twice a day. But now it seems like she is unable to breathe very well. She raises her head and takes a long breathe...
  8. vanillachai

    8 Chickens, 2 Ducks. 3 1/2 years old. Bozeman, Montana Area

    Location: Bozeman, Montana area. We will drop them off or meet you in town. My schedule is a bit unpredictable so we'll have to discuss a date and time. General info: Been trying to hold on to my flock for as long as I can, but time is up and I can only keep a few. I have 8 hens and 2 ducks...
  9. J

    Buff Orpington isn't walking after missing for 10 days!

    My Buff Orpington is about 4-5 years old. She went missing one day and we couldn't find her anywhere in our yard. We checked everywhere and ended up assuming she must've jumped the fence and took off. About 10 days later our son was doing yardwork and found her stuck behind a shed, wedged...
  10. kristeninprogress

    The Flower Flock

    I thought it would be interesting to keep progress pictures of my chicks, since A.) I'm obsessed with everything they do, and B.) I'm curious about how my Easter Eggers will change. :D I bought the first four flower girls 4 weeks ago, and the second group 2 weeks ago. Excuse the double...
  11. HoppinTurtle

    Black spots on comb

    My 4 month old Buff orphington pullet has these black spots on her comb. I’ve searched this forum and google but am not clear on what this is and would like informed opinions. These chickens are well cared for. Just popped up recently. Have 3 pullets total and “Dixie” is the only one with this...
  12. kateskookychooks

    Week by week pictures

    i have Just raised my first batch of 9 chicks a mix of pekins, Wyandotte and 1 buff orpington. I took a photo of them every week and thought you may like to see the results. I kept the two pekins named Jody and Iron Man, the rest all went to new homes around 7 weeks old. Please ignore the...
  13. sofiagrace901

    injured chicken has green poop

    So my chicken that was attacked by a raccoon (see previous thread), pooped green. the white part was also yellow on some of it. i’ve only seen it once but i just need to know if this is a dangerous sign of something.
  14. B

    Help with light Brahma and buff orphington 15 weeks old

    This is my first time having chickens I bought all pullets but some of my chickens are starting to get a bit red, could you please help me determine their genders. Light Brahma 1 This one had more waddle growth, it's comb get much paler when it's laying down. Light Brahma 2 Buff...
  15. H

    Buff Orpington rooster, free, Olympia, WA

    Free Buff Orpington rooster in need of re-homing in Olympia, Washington. We do not have enough hens to share with this fellow. Friendly and handsome guy.
  16. tarnte

    A chick that never dust bath while others do

    Hi, I’m pretty new to backyard chicken. Got 3 baby chicks that are close to 5 weeks old. (Rhode Island Red, Silver laced Wyandotte and Buff Orpington). I took them outside to play in the yard and the Rhode Island Red and Silver Wyandotte stated to take their dust bath for like 15-20 minutes...
  17. Alexthechickenkeeper

    Extremely Aggressive Buff Orpington Rooster

    I bought a BO rooster a couple months ago. He just turned one and he is very aggressive. I can’t go anywhere near the coop or run without being attacked multiple times. He just won’t give up no matter what. Any suggestions on what I can do or should I just get rid of him? I attached a picture...
  18. 'Murican chicken-er

    Free Egg Laying Chicks

    I Do Not Want To Do This... but it cannot be helped. I need to give away my four 8-month old Buff Orpingtons. They are VERY friendly, will sit in your lap for as long as you want to pet them, come running when they see you, lay one egg every day, PERFECT pets for children to learn about...
  19. Smileking0505

    Are Buff Orps all hermaphrodites?

    I got my buffs 9 weeks ago, so they’re between 9 and 10 weeks. Some days I’m convinced I have all pullets, other days I’m convinced I have a bunch of cockerels. The two smallest and most pullet-like ones love to puff up their feathers and chest bump each other. Three of them are larger and have...
  20. harice4806

    EE Varieties?

    So my babies are getting big...I think almost 4 weeks sometime next week. Was told they're most likely EEs. Also have 2 BOs. One seems 3 of the EEs has yellow legs, one has a green-ish tinted to them. My understanding is there isn't really a "standard" for EEs in regards to colors, combs, face...
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