
  1. Goosebaby

    Oxine antifungal information

    I don’t like just taking someone’s word for something, it’s caused problems for me in the past and let’s be honest, a lot of people spread bs around without realizing it’s bs, like the medicated feed toxic to waterfowl myth for example. So I was curious about Oxine’s supposedly curing birds of...
  2. Saaniya

    Copper Sulfate Dose for 1 chicken

    Hello I wanted to ask the dose of copper sulfate dose for 1 chicken about 2 to 2.5 kg . Vet suggested two brands I'm confused to buy Can someone suggested which one is preferably good • 1st is Copper Formula (Acidified Copper Sulfate) •Amino Acids With Copper Sulfate
  3. mountaingirl196

    Rooster with swollen ear, won't stop drinking

    Howdy, all - searched the threads, couldn't find this one addressed so am throwing it out for the brain trust. My favorite roo (red sex-link, about three years old) showed up at my office door this AM making distressed sounds. It didn't sound like rales, more like he was crying if that makes...
  4. P

    Pigeon with slow crop please help

    My 4 month old pomeranian pouter pigeon has a slow crop. He will stand up really tall and inflate his crop but unlike the other pigeons he seems to have a heard time deflating it almost like he is holding his breath and his stomach starts to move when he does deflate the crop he seems to feel...
  5. Treating Candida (yeast) with Medistatin (Nystatin) - under construction

    Treating Candida (yeast) with Medistatin (Nystatin) - under construction

    Nystatin can be used to treat some strains of candida in poultry. According to most veterinary formularies and references, the most common Nystatin dose is 200,000 to 300,000 IU/kg two or three times a day. Lafeber vet recommends 300,000 IU 2-3 times a day, so that is what I will base my...
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