
  1. VanessaN

    Odd happenings in the coop.

    Hi Everyone! I have some odd happenings going on in my coop. My chickens and my ducks co-run our coop. My mama duck is sitting on a nest right now which is super exciting. We candled our eggs resently and noticed that they are almost full so we know it won't be to much longer. So here are...
  2. SnowyChickenMomma

    Egg Eating- One of 9 chickens started eating the eggs

    We have 3 barred rocks, 3 red comets, and 3 leghorns. We average 6 eggs a day and some days we get as many as 8-11 but usually just 5 or 6. Yesterday I go out to get the eggs like I do every morning (9-10ish) and I only saw 4, I go grab them and they are all slimey so my first instinct was...
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