cant walk

  1. B

    Help with wobbling duck!

    I have a 3 month old Aylesbury duck. She used to walk fine but now she keeps losing her balance. She can stand, she stands all day but once she starts walking she falls all over the place, its to the point where she could injure herself, she falls and hits her head on the wall of the cage, she...
  2. JosieMae

    Hen can’t walk

    Hi all, well, this has been a difficult season for my chickens! I lost one earlier this year to a mysterious sickness, I just lost another to complications from sour crop, and now I have an Amerucana who can’t walk...I have two healthy hens outside in the coop right now (but they’re both...
  3. My duck can’t walk

    My duck can’t walk

    My duck can’t walk. I’ve had this problem in the past with this duck, which was fixed With Niacin. But it’s not seeming to work. Unfortunately I think we’ll have to put her down, I don’t want to but I think she’s in pain. We’re gonna take her to the vet to see what they can do, but if they can’t...
  4. chickenrunUKTerri

    Hen not walking after illness

    About two weeks ago, one of my rescue girls (nearly 3 yrs old) started showing signs of lethargy. She did not have sour crop nor was she eggbound so didn't really know what the problem was. Couple of days later, I looked her over for lice/mites but couldn't see anything. She was eating, but not...
  5. P

    Pekin unable to walk??

    Hi, I purchased a couple pekin ducks from someone who was not able to care for them anymore and since day one one of the ducks has had trouble walking. They are about 10 weeks old and the one duck has slowly gotten worse and worse. He now cannot walk at all. He stumbles and drags himself with...
  6. A

    help i have a disabled baby goose

    hi please give me all for the advice you have. i just got a baby goose that is lame and can not walk. we don't know why and he is by himself so i hope he won't be lonely. i have no idea how to raise a baby goose much less one that can't walk so please give me everything i need to know from heat...
  7. Revery Willow Homestead

    Sudden onset of leg weakness

    I brought home 4 silkie chicks on Friday. Aside from the typical adjustment phase, all were active, eating, drinking, and thriving. This morning (Monday) I went to the brooder to see one of the chicks on its side. I assumed it had been knocked over or fell off the stuffed animal in the brooder...
  8. ErnieBerley

    Ayam cemani rooster 9 mo paralyzed...

    I woke up one morning and my Ayam cemani rooster (9 months old) named Ayam, was stumbling and his comb which is usually jet black was pale. So, the vet thinks it's Marek's, but this is the 6th day and he still has spunk (he's a very strong guy), eats well (on his belly), drinks (when I hold the...
  9. NorthernChick1

    Weak chick! Help!!

    I have two, 1-1/2 week old chicks that my hen is raising. I noticed today that one chick is and was always weaker than the other. Now she has her wings spread and seems to have troubles walking.. what should i do?? They are on chick starter and have water. Would not eating or drinking be a...
  10. S

    my duck cant walk right and i cant figure out whats wrong

    Hey everyone I'm not sure if this topic has already been covered but i need some help. me and my dad found a duck down by our family pond and it can swim fine but cant seem to walk. when it tries to walk it either tips over forward and does a forward roll before getting stuck on its back and not...
  11. libarena

    Guinea keet with twisted foot and can’t walk

    We got guinea keets this morning and everyone else is doing well except for this one little dude. He can’t stand or walk. His bad leg has his foot completely closed. We are able to stretch it out but he refuses to use it. I tried making a little cast to support him in spreading his toes. He...
  12. N

    chick can't stand, walk, or hold head up

    My black silkie chicken was born this morning and isn't looking great. It can't walk and it just kind of hops and flaps around. I checked and it doesn't have splayed leg, crooked toes or perosis. It also doesn't really hold it's head up, he has held it up but mostly it's head is just facing...
  13. EKemper1

    Emergency! RIR Age 3 yrs Hard lump on chest, and losing weight.

    My Rhode Island Red, Chocobo, has developed a lump on her chest. It is soft on the bottom but hard at the top. She went into molt a week ago, since then she has been exhausted and not eating. I thought it was a combination of the molt and the heat, and treated her for such. Vitamins, protein...
  14. Sharkie

    Week old chick, leg issues

    So, our "problem nugget" as the kids call her had very weak legs on hatch, there was an immediate notice about how she got around opposed to other chicks we've hatched. She wouldn't use anything below her hocks and hobbled around everywhere. She was second to hatch, first to pip. She was pipped...
  15. mzhof

    Not quite spraddle leg but chick can't stand

    This chick is about 36 hours old and from the beginning has never stood up straight. I don't think it is exactly straddle leg as the legs don't splay out to the sides he just won't stand. He pipped on day 22 and was shrink wrapped so had to be helped out, never had a slippery surface to walk on...
  16. F

    Chick vomiting can't stand

    I noticed the past few days the chick was standing around sleeping since I bought him inside today to get him out of the heat. I noticed his crop was full and squshy despite not beaing fed so I gave him apple cider vinegar. He threw it up and can't
  17. HuskerHens18

    Chilled, injured Bantam

    First problem, I was on a 6 day vacation, so I have 0 details. The person I paid to watch them claims the chicken was not in this condition the entire time, it just magically injured itself when I arrived home. This is a mix breed bantam, half RIR/Silkie, half Cochin. It is fed Medicated chick...
  18. ChickenOwner2313

    Help! Weak chicken cannot walk!

    The last couple of days we have not checked on our chickens because we have been so busy with a lot of things, however when I went out there today I only counted 13 out of the 14 chickens I know we have. I searched around the coop, but could not find any sign that anything had eaten the chicken...
  19. A

    Rooster tried to KILL duck, HEAD INJURY now cant walk, Brain dammage?

    My beautiful rooster (now on a plate) tried to kill my Peking pet duck about 4 days ago, He was not trying to mate with her he was trying to kill her, pecking at her head and eyes until we discovered what was happening and stopped him. She laid lifeless on the ground and we thought she was dead...
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