
  1. C

    hens possibly ate some treated field soybean seeds!!!

    Okay, so yesterday my dad was out planting the field behind my house, and I thought nothing of it but had my hens out free-ranging. Well I caught some of them wandering out in the field and I noticed some of the seeds were not fully planted, but sitting on the surface. He said the seeds were...
  2. K

    Poison Ivy around Coop

    I have lots of poison ivy plants near my chicken coop. I’m wanting to spray the plants to get rid of them since we’re working on clearing out that area (next to the coop). But if I buy and use a spray from the store... wouldn’t those chemicals hurt or kill my chickens? Just from the scent of if...
  3. whitneyj09

    Safety of creek water

    Hi there, So, I just moved my coop into an area close to a creek. The creek runs through an agricultural area and may contain fertilizer or farm chemicals. Here's the thing. I have no house water to a sprinkler system or spigots anywhere near my coop, so I've been filling a 5 gallon bucket in...
  4. Thechickentrainer1999

    Thoughts on...

    What are your thoughts on linseed oil? Will it protect my chickens from being exposed to pressure treated wood? If not, what can I use other than paint to protect them from the chemicals? I know pt is safer these days but I want them to be as safe as possible.
  5. Lazy Farmer


    WHY DON'T ANTS EAT CONVENTIONAL GRAINS? And very few bugs and seldom flies. What is the secret ingredient added to the feeds that keeps pests (insects) from desiring conventional grains? Are there residual traces left within the animal being fed? Also transferred to eggs as well? Meats? Have...
  6. MBH

    Lice Battle- DE? Dusting Powder...?

    So one of my girls had a dirty bum and I questioned if she had lice. Caught her yesterday and there they were on her and my other two girls. I read DE was very bad for their lungs and not to use it so I called the local feed store and they said dusting powder. So I bought a can gloved up put a...
  7. Lazy Farmer

    Egg Carton Contamination

    I not a really big fan of washing my eggs except if a little poo gets on them. I usually use wipe them down and place them in the cartons prior to refrigeration storage. So this time, I have been a little busy with my pigs & goats and slacked off on cleaning my nesting boxes... SO, 18 of my...
  8. A

    How to control Bird Mites?

    I have 30 homing pigeons that have mites. How do I get rid of them? Its not only a problem for the birds but the mites get on me as well everytime I go into the coop and cause lots of itching. I've tried Scalex a permethrin product for a week now spraying the entire dirt floor of the coop to...
  9. Lazy Farmer

    "Soft Water" Chicken Water.

    Anyone know any Pros or Cons when using Soft Water (treated hard water) For your flock. Especially, new hatches. Softeners use sodium chloride to remove hard water deposits. Anyone that has a water softener system knows it has it's benefits. You use less soap, and people that experience bathing...
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