chick 6 days old

  1. K

    Six Day Old Chick- Lethargic, dying.

    Hi everyone- I know this is not the first post about a lethargic chick- but I can’t quite get an answer anywhere. My 6 day old barred rock chick (by characteristics I’ve sexed her as female) is likely not going to make it. This isn’t my first time raising chicks but I’ve changed just about...
  2. CoastChick

    6 Day old EE behavior seems off, advice on my concerns please?

    Hi. First time chicken mama here. We’ve started off with two EEs and one red sex link. I opted for the heating plate brooder in a large plastic tote with a nice wire top (hardware cloth and wood). We first brought our chicks home from the local feed store, on day two. Today the chicks are six...
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