chicken journey

  1. Hola_Zaha

    Pet chickens & a boy in an African game reserve

    Hello everyone, My wife and I have been visiting this forum for the past 6 months, since we began our journey of incubating and hatching eggs. We have benefitted tremendously from all the great ideas and vast experience found here. So, I would just like to share how we are doing now, posting...
  2. cscvlm09

    Black Australorp Thread

    Hello guys! We have recently started raising Black Australorps and would love to take you along on our journey! Since we just recently found the forum we are getting a bit of a late start but I am going to include a picture of one of the Black Autralorp chicks. These chicks were hatched on...
  3. lunathechicken

    Chicken updates!!!

    Hello everyone! This is basically going to be where I post updates on my chickens and you guys can follow along on the journey! I currently have 7 chickens, 4 are laying and 3 we are waiting on (also to see what gender they are). To start off our journey here is a question, do you guys use...
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