chickens & cats

  1. Riggs H

    Is it okay for chickens and a cat to share food/water?

    Hello there, I am a new member. I have a outdoor Cat, and two Roosters. (I'll have to share their story another time) My Roosters and Cat swap food and water. The roosters will come up on the porch, and eat and drink any food and water out of the Cat's bowls, then the Cat (even if he has water...
  2. Suebaby71

    Exposing chickens to cat hair to help with human allergies to cats

    I read an article recently that talked about a way to reduce the effects of cat allergies in humans by exposing chickens to the fel d 1 protein. Chickens that are exposed to this most common of cat allergens make antibodies against it. These antibodies are also transferred to their eggs, in the...
  3. Fangeddeer


    all the info is here:
  4. 6

    How Often Do Chickens Nap?

    I was curious as to what the 'average' or 'normal' napping habits of chickens? What are the sleeping habits of your hens? How often do they nap? Once? Twice? More than 5 times a day? What is considered normal napping habits, and what is considered sick behavior? Maybe this will help other...
  5. sillysamoyeds

    New member thread

    Hey 👋 I'm Chrissy, I'm in Cairns in Queensland, Australia, and I'm a soon to be new chook owner 🆕 I don't have any chooks right now, but I am planning on 3-4 0️⃣ I think they will be silkies 🐔 While I am looking forward to some eggs, I appreciate this breed lays less and can go broody. Still...
  6. jplum1026

    Is that for me?!

    Gave these 3 guys a treat for the day... Lol my poor cats assumed the treats were for them 😅
  7. Logieberg


    Hey guys! Texas is REALLY BAD with fleas right now. I need to treat my yard because we just can’t get them under control and the rescue kittens we have seem to be patient zero right now but with every dawn dish soap bath, it’s killing a good amount but it’s not stopping the fleas that have...
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