
  1. Thechickentrainer1999

    What is the best waterer to use?

    I'm finishing up my coop I'm building and I've been wanting to order the chicken automatic drinking cups but when I go to amazon reviews, they have very poor reviews. What should I do? Is there anything better than the automatic drinking cups? Should I get an outdoor garden fountain? I don't...
  2. M

    clean random funny posts

    This thread may be something a few of you will enjoy. Feel free to post some of your own or post your thoughts!
  3. AgentJeffy

    To wash. Or not to wash. That, is the question.

    Hey everyone! So this is going to be more of a collection of ideas all in one place for chicken eggs. I'm aware of the pros and the cons of egg washing for the most part. But I still think this would be a useful thread for anyone looking for the arguments from both sides, as well as a poll to...
  4. Ra_

    Adjustable nesting boxes

    It's not the size that's adjustable. I make individual sizes for my Dixie Rainbow, Barred Rock and Serama. It's the ventilation, temperature and privacy that is adjustable. Once a bird gets locked into setting on her eggs, I can remove the covering and let her get some air in the heat of the day...
  5. Thechickentrainer1999

    Dirty vent. Please help!

    Over the last few weeks, I've noticed my chicken's comb turning purple. Some days it's not very noticeable and other days it is. Today it was very purple. What does this mean? I've noticed she has been drinking a lot when I let her out the last couple of days. I'm starting to wonder if maybe...
  6. jmkrusch

    Easy Clean Chicken Nesting Boxes (with dimensions and pictures)

    Hi all, I just redid our chicken nesting boxes, and thought I would share! Below are some photos of the coop. Each box is just a 2$ "dish bin" from the dollar store (this way we can remove and clean as needed - the bins are not actually attached, but resting on the bars). The wood for the...
  7. Keeperoflock

    Comb Injury and Possible Infection

    I have a 5 mo. old Leghorn that was a victim of an over zealous rooster that got rehomed yesterday. :hit I've been putting antibiotic ointment on it for a couple weeks. When I first noticed it there was just a couple little nicks in it but I'm of the pro-active type and wanted to head infection...
  8. NineChickens

    How do people keep silkies clean?!

    I can't even keep my normal feathered girls clean! They're always out even when it rains and takes lots of dust, sometimes slightly mud, baths. I see so many pictures of silkies that are all clean. I told myself I'd never own one because she'd look messier than a duck! Just a random question
  9. lemonie12

    How to clean eggs for sell

    Hi! I'm newer at this chicken thing and could use a little help! I'm not even sure if this is the section I need to be in :-)... I have several hens and I'm getting quite a bit of eggs now that they're laying, like 40 a day!! I'd like to sell them in town or at a farmers market. I live in Kansas...
  10. N

    How to clean caked poop off week-old chick?

    Hi all! I recently got 8 week-old chicks (not a first-timer) and they all seem to be doing fine. However the smallest one has poop caked all over its butt and I am at my wits' end about trying to clean it off. I've managed to clean it to the point where there's no blockages to the vent but...
  11. Connor Bassani

    Can I clean my chicken coop with a shop-vac?

    So it's that time of the week again, coop cleaning! My coop has a slide out bottom... but it's so shallow that the shavings and poop just can't fit through the slot it slides out of (so I end up using a broom and a shovel)! They also poop in their nesting boxes and the shovel can't fit in there...
  12. showmesilkies

    Cleaning Incubator with Fizzion (CO2)?

    Has anyone cleaned their incubator with Fizzion (power of CO2)? I have not but considering it. Pros/Cons?
  13. D

    Duck Pond help

    I have a medium sized pond that sits in the ground. I am not sure what I can do to keep this water clean. I have four ducks and I know no matter what I do the water will get muddy. So my question is, is there any cleaners or chemicals I can use that will keep it clean without harming the ducks...
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