
  1. SueT

    Exposing chicks to soil to prevent coccidiosis

    Last year I read that exposing chicks to soil early on will help them build up immunity to cocci. So I plan to implement it this year. Actually next week is when I am going to get some chicks. I am asking those who are experienced with this, what soil should I use? From the chicken run...
  2. H

    1.5 yr old Hen not eating, pale comb. Medicine didn't help!? What do we do now?

    She had a pale comb for a while. I thought it was because she was being bullied and couldn't get enough food. Heat stress might have been a factor, off and on (it's summer here). Last week we separated her (the 5 others are fine) and gave them all 2 days of Cocci-Amprol, which helped a little...
  3. N


    Hi, I apologize for talking about quail but I believe this problem can also happen in chickens? I have two quails that are about a week old. There was a third one that died suddenly. He started to huddle up in a corner, his eyes closed and head droopy. He would even do this in my hand. His...
  4. Saaniya

    Blood Is Not Getting Cleared In Poop

    Hi this is my 2nd Thread in this particular fourm ... As before I mentioned my 16weeks old Indian pullet female start showing symptoms of Coccidiosis E.g Loss Of Appetite , Weight Loss ,Orangish Poop Then Blood Traces In Poop .. I Started The Treatment In First Day Of Blood Appearance ..And She...
  5. mseely

    Suspected coccidiosis

    I have 5, 6 week old chicks, and 3 full grown layers. I've been noticing blood in their feces, I first noticed about a week ago, I figured out which one I thought it was a corinteened it. After a full day with no bloody poop I returned her to her sisters because she seemed lonely. Yesterday...
  6. S

    Puffed up chick, cocci treatment help, really worried

    Gosh, I have a sick chick in with my broody hen, Buff, and 8 other chicks. They are 4 weeks old today. My lavender orp chick is puffed up and I think has coccidiosis. She is still eating Questions I have: How do you treat with Corid (amount/ length of time)? Should I give electrolytes and...
  7. Just Us Girls

    Coccidiosis and fertile eggs

    I need to confirm a few things and ask some specific questions. I have two 6 week pullets that came to me 2 weeks ago. They have symptoms of coccidiosis, or at least one of them does. There is some bloody mucous poop, not always. At first I freaked out, then decided to do some research. The...
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