#cochin bantams

  1. NinoG123

    Tumor or feather cyst on rooster’s back?

    My 1 yo rooster has been acting sick lately so I decided to pick him up and noticed a bump on his back close to the wing area. It’s a black bump and somehow has a feather or two growing on it? He sleeps on the roosts if that helps. I’m leaning towards it being a tumor because I’ve had some...
  2. Ravennaly

    cochin bantams, boys or girls?

    three new bantams, i think i have a boy and two girls (hopefully) i'm guessing like idk 10 weeks old or so first is this calico cochin, i think cockerel next is another calico cochin, this one is more buff coloured. i assume pullet lastly, mottled cochin pullet?
  3. agordon

    Are my Buff Cochin Chicks Partridge?

    I purchased 6 Bantam Cochin hatching eggs for my broody. They are supposed to be Buff. 4 hatched. 1 looks buff. The other 3 had brownish spots on the head and in a line down the back at hatch. Not full stripes. They were mostly buff. Now their feathers are coming in with brownish patterns on the...
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