
  1. Chickensandicedcoffee

    4 week old blue laced red wyandotte

    I ordered 3 pullets and got and extra with my order, so four total. 2 of them are growing slower and I'm not sure if they are cockerals, I know they are a difficult breed to sex until like 6-8weeks but I'm just trying to prepare haha..
  2. H

    Gold laced wyandotte about 6.5/7weeks

    Hey! Is this little fluffbutt likely to be a pullet? It was sold to me as a "quirky pullet" haha
  3. Alixzandrah

    Silver laced wyandottes sexing? Cockerel or pullets?

    I have three hatchery SLW. The one single comb I feel is obvious rooster. The other two I think one may be a rooster one a pullet. Any input? I got them end of February
  4. M

    11 week old Silver laced barnevelders

    Hi All, I’m pretty sure I have 2 silver laced barnevelder cockerels but I want to be 100% before I rehome them. Thoughts?
  5. Chicken_Mammy

    Help! Not sure of breed or sex!

    Hi! This is my first post, as I’m new to the forum and to chickens in general! Here are some pics (1&2) of my 3-4week old pullet(?). She is supposed to be an EE, but I’m becoming unsure and her comb seems to have really grown suddenly. Is the color/size normal for a pullet? Also, the big-headed...
  6. C

    6 week Silver Laced Barnevelder gender poll

    This beautiful chick is definitely either head hen or a roo. She's an amazing snuggler but she is also aggressive. Essentially, when you pick her up you have a 50/50 shot on whether or not she chooses violence or love
  7. C

    Cockerels or pullets?

    Hey everyone! I am a new chicken owner and got a mixed breed flock, but am struggling to know which ones are male. All of them hatched late February. I noticed the tail feathers on these three curl inward, but I’m not sure if that means they are roosters. It’s hard to compare them to each other...
  8. B

    Ursula or Ursuhim?

    I know everyone keeps saying that chicks have to be at least 6 weeks old before you can tell their gender. However, I have one sweetheart named Ursula and they are just soooo much different than their counterparts. They turned 4 weeks old this past Monday. I have 7 Brahmas altogether and...
  9. Glennajune

    Frizzle and polish crested genders :D

    Hey all! I was wondering if I can get some help with the genders of these littles. I was told that all my chicks were pullets but these three are starting to look like cockerels. I could be totally wrong though 🤣 I don't have enough hens for 3 males so I'm hoping I'm mistaken. Does anyone know...
  10. Wurmbag

    backyard mix sex help

    here are my mixed babies again! they're almost eight weeks old so I'm hoping it's a little easier to tell who's what. the rooster was a a birchen Cochin and the Mama's were birchen Cochin, golden laced Cochin, and mille fleur d'uccle. I'm mostly looking for sex but if you have a guess on who's...
  11. M

    Pullet or Cockerel??

    I’ve attached below a picture of one of our Blue Australorps. We’re stumped on weather it is a pullet or cockerel. The other 3 that we got with this one ended up being Cockerals and have crowed but this one is yet to do so. It is currently 13 weeks old. Any ideas on what it might be? Thanks! :)
  12. 5

    🐥Barred Rock: Hen or Roo?

    Hi there! In April 2021 I bought two Barred Rock ‘pullets’, to add to my flock. Four months later, my two Barred Rock look a bit different from each other. One has a small pink comb, and the other’s wattles, comb, and overall face is completely developed and red! This morning, I saw my more...
  13. H

    Help Sexing 8 1/2 Week Ameraucana Chicks

    Hi! I’m hoping that someone will help me sex my 8 1/2 Week Ameraucana chicks. I am confident on the gender of the other chicks but cannot tell if these guys are cockerels or pullets? Chick #1 Chick #2 Chick #3 Chick #4 Chick # The combs of chicks 4 and 5 don’t get redder than...
  14. U

    I think I hatched 3 Roosters! Buff Orpington and barred rock+buff cross

    These little guys are 7 weeks old today. Two straight buff orpingtons and two cross breed barred rock+BO. I’m fairly certain I have one male and one female buff Orpington, but the barred rock mixes are still uncertain. The darker one is much larger then the rest and has a very developed comb...
  15. Buckwheat77

    Gender HELP!!

    Hello everyone! I am new to this community and am so excited to have some people who might be able to help me out! I have four chickens who are ten weeks old and would love to know your opinions of their sexes !!!I have two RIRs and two Americaunas. I attached pictures for viewing - I have so...
  16. L

    Is my fav chicken a rooster? ☹️

    This is my favorite chicken, Hilda.... I am fearing that she is a rooster. Can you guys confirm for me or should I wait for a crow? I hate to give her up😑
  17. N

    Is This Another Cockerel???!!!

    Hi all! We started off with a flock of 8 and 1 was definitely a cockerel and 2 in question. One is a buff brahma bantam and has a red comb...the farmer we got them from thinks he’s a boy. The second one is a blue australorp and the farmer thinks she’s a girl. I think the blue lorp is a...
  18. J

    Pullet or cockerel??

    I have to chicks that may be cockerels, but I’m not sure. The first 3 pics is a EE/Ameraucana? Chick that is almost 4 weeks old. The pea comb is much broader and has many round pea bumps than the others of the same breed. The last 3 pics is a 5 week old Wyandotte. It is very curious and jumps up...
  19. Dina30

    Hello everyone!

    Hello! I have a baby chick and i wonder what gender is it. Thank you!
  20. harice4806

    Silkie 13 wks old

    Straight run bantam bin at TSC. Almost all males. This one I thought was a pullet but now I'm not so sure. Haven't seen any attempts to crow. No comb/waddles. Super sweet. The buff I had I knew was a boy around 7 weeks. Had a massive comb and waddles and was crowing. They're now 13 weeks. Today...
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