combs turning white

  1. Countryhippie

    Chicken Comb Issue - Possible Frostbite

    I am completely new to chicken keeping, I have 4 hens and two roosters. All my chickens are a little over 5 months old and acting completely normal. Still eating, laying and running around like normal. Over the past few days I noticed one of my roosters developing these scab things on his comb...
  2. filmcmahon

    cold weather affecting combs or something else?

    hey everyone! i’m in ontario and the weather is -4 celsius today. my gals are healthy looking and have a heated water and coop (for nighttime). today i noticed my colombian Sunny’s comb is a little dry-looking? it’s white-ish and i can’t tell if it really looks that much different from september...
  3. D

    Chicken with comb turning white

    My niece called me about a friend that has chicken with her comb turning white. Does anyone know what causes this? I have been raising chickens for 5 years and never heard of this.
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