coop dimensions

  1. christinemix

    Wide shallow coop: good idea? Bad idea?

    Hi everyone, I'm a newbie currently working on the design for my first chicken coop. My partner and I have 6 chickens coming home to us in the middle of July. 3 are bantams and 3 are standard size. We're in zone 9b, northern California, so no snow but we do get frost and the occasional freeze...
  2. Clevelcj

    My Coops and Run

    I just wanted to share with everyone my current setup. I have 13 hens and 1 beautiful roo. I am in Central VA. I just completed a new coop (minus painting) that attaches to my old one for additional space for the girls. Most days they free range in the yard and are locked up at night...
  3. L P in San Jose

    Hello There! New to BackYard Chickens - Sq. Ft. Coop/Run for Orpingtons, Ameracaunas, Australorp?

    Hi! I'm so new I don't have my chicks yet--just in planning stages for an urban coop/run for some big ladies and some medium gals. I've done a lot of research already, but I get varying square footage spacing for chickens, in general. I can have up to 6, and they will be limited free range or...
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