coturnix eggs

  1. Bates

    HELP - Incubating Shipped Coturnix Eggs

    I bought some Coturnix quail eggs a few weeks ago and have been incubating them with a Brinsea Maxi II Advance. It’s the 20th day and there’s been no progression. What should I do? Here is the timeline: June 13th - I collected the eggs from the post office. They weren’t packed very well and I...
  2. Thepigeonguy

    Long distance egg shipping

    So I’m wondering where the best place to get coturnix quail from. I would like to get Italians, tuxedos and maybe some Pharoahs. I would prefer eggs. I can’t find to many on site reviews for various hatcheries. Does anyone have any experience with Kansas City quail farms? They seem to be great...
  3. Ted Parker

    I love my birds

    I am raising Coturnix quail and have 20 breeders right now and I enjoy them for both their eggs and as pets. I hope to supply local chefs with the eggs and possibly meat for gourmets to enjoy.They are just so fun to care for and watch! I raised some when I was 21 4 decades ago and decided to...
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