
  1. Desertvalleychickens

    Ever bred a Buff Orpington Rooster with a Black Jersey Giant Hen?

    I want to get BOxJG crosses later on. I have a BO cockerel and 4 JG pullets. Has anyone ever done this cross? If so, what do they look like, and how hardy and prolific can they be? The BO at the left end is the cockerel, and the black ones are the JG pullets.
  2. Lspears218


    Hello all- I was given this chicken as a baby and was told she would be a welsummer , clearly that is not the case. All of the other spring chicks have doubled & tripled in size and even the bantams are larger. She is so pretty and very friendly, but I would love to know if anyone knows what...
  3. A

    Golden Laced Wyandotte (Rooster) x Buff Orpington (Hen) Cross

    These are my two crosses between Golden Laced Wyandotte (Rooster) x Buff Orpington (Hen). They are really beautiful!
  4. D

    Lavender Orpington x Brown-Red Easter Egger

    PLEASE SHOW ME YOUR LAVENDER ORPINGTON x EE PICS! I am a fairly new “chicken lady” hatching some of eggs from my existing flock with one of my favorite ladies, Silvia (lavender orpington) and my funniest roo, George (Brown Red Easter Egger, strong ameraucana features). Has anyone crossed...
  5. H

    Mix breed flock experience

    Hi y’all, I have always maintained a mixed breed flock and I wonder how do other people feel about their own flocks? When I was a novice at chicken keeping I overdid it and had a flock that was way too diverse for me to handle. Now I’m much more planned out. I look for a docile well laying...
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