day 24

  1. N

    Bubbles on egg what do I do ??? ( HELP )

    Hi I’ve got grey francolin eggs in the incubator and they usually take around 25 days currently I’m on the 24th day and yesterday I seen there is bubbles starting to occur on 1 egg and I was just wondering should I leave it now because it’s close to the hatch day and also why does this bubbling...
  2. Goldnmine

    Day 24 and one egg left

    Hello I’m new to hatching chicks (my 1st time ever) I received 3 Easter egger eggs from someone , 3 barred rock, 3 australorp eggs from another person. The 3 barred rock & 3 australorp all hatched day 20-21. Of the 3 EE, 2 failed to develop early (day 7-14) the last one looked promising, but...
  3. lavendermarie

    Health questions about my assisted hatch chick

    I had a chick who hatched today (on day 24 of incubation) with a little help. I thought all the eggs were goners, but kept them in the incubator just in case. But this morning I noticed a pip in one of the eggs! After a few hours it had pretty much fully zipped around and was trying to finally...
  4. lavendermarie

    URGERT: Chick pretty much fully zipped but not hatching.

    I noticed a pip on this egg around 9:45 am. It’s currently 1:37 pm and the chick has looked like this for maybe an hour? It’s trying to hatch out of the egg but it’s so clearly struggling. I don’t know what to do, I don’t know if it’s stuck and I should help it? Here are some pictures. The red...
  5. Z

    Day 24- passed the float test and I candled them

    It is now day 24. I had 4 eggs in the incubator. One hatched on day 20 and he is happy and healthy. However the remaining 3 show no signs of growth. I did the float test and they all passed, meaning they floated slightly above the surface. I even candled them and I saw the body and veins. Is...
  6. L

    My eggs have not hatched! It is day 24!

    My eggs have not pipped yet and it is day 24. I am getting worried because they are barely moving but when I candle them they look ready to pop but there is no movement! What can I do to help?
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