diatemaceous earth

  1. Artchickenlover21

    Dust bath advice needed

    I've been researching dust baths on here and other places for a while now and there's a lot of conflicting information, so I would like to just confirm if this mixture is okay. My chickens have not been able to go outside for weeks on end because of the constant snow and rain. I got a huge cat...
  2. J

    Tropical Rat Mite (Ornithonyssus bacoti) problem

    Hi everyone, thank you for looking at my post and potentially trying to help me find an answer to my dilemma. I live in the Bay Area and in the past few years there have been an upsurge in Tropical Rat Mites (Ornithonyssus bacoti). In the past hour or so I stumbled upon Elector PSP and have...
  3. Djripke78

    Rooster isn’t responding to treatments

    We have a 7 year old giant white Cochin rooster named Hank. For about 12 months we have been struggling with him over-grooming and pulling out his feathers. A few of the hens had started pecking on him, especially on his feet and the tops of his wings. We initially thought the damage to the...
  4. theroosternamedrooster

    I’ve experimented with mites found on my rooster

    This DIY mini experiment list is brought to you by a curious mind’s disdain for blood suckers and love for a rooster. WHAT I’VE DONE WITH MITES: - put them into a bag with nothing else. Result: they lived for days, some almost a full week - diatomaceous earth directly on rooster, under his...
  5. S

    4 week old Easter egger has symptoms I cant link to cause

    I’m a new chick owner, first time, and trying to troubleshoot my chickens is turning to be a super challenge between me trying to take preventive action or just over thinking. My Easter egger daphne, for a couple weeks she has been sneezing pretty constantly compared to the rest. That initially...
  6. Chickenwithnobrim

    Natural lice remedy.. too upsetting?

    I am in Canada, and if anybody lives here, they know how hard it is to find pest control. Long story short, im pretty sure my previously stray chicken has lice and has passed it to my other chicken (found a louse crawling next to her eye). I can only assume they are both infested. I only have...
  7. C

    diatomaceous earth

    I started putting diatomaceous earth in my flocks food. How often am I supposed to give them diatomaceous earth? Or is it just an all year long thing ?
  8. EggSighted4Life

    Alternative and Natural Wormer's...

    Hello and good morning fellow BYCer's! :frow This thread is focused on those who use alternative worming methods such as DE, pumpkin seeds, herbs, red pepper flakes, ACV, etc AND are willing to put up before and after fecal float with species and load count numbers to help stop the arguing as...
  9. LunaMarieWolf

    Help with lice in the coop!

    I have been trying to read up on how to treat my entire coop for lice. The problem is, I can't clean out my entire coop. My coop is an old home-made metal dog pen that I transformed into a coop. Meaning it has a dirt bottom with wood shavings mixed it. The sides of the coop are metal roofing...
  10. Aryetheral Waalburgus

    Diatomaceous Earth + Petroleum Jelly?

    I'm treating some bantams for scaly leg mites, and have decided to go with the petroleum jelly method. They've been isolated getting the petroleum jelly for about a week and I'm getting kind of impatient. I've heard that diatomaceous earth (DE) can be helpful for external parasites, but I've...
  11. lisa13

    Possible worms in Roo

    I know there has been so many threads/articles about de-worming chickens, but I haven't found a concrete answer yet. I have a OEG Roo that is approx 5 1/2 months old and within the last couple of days, I noticed that his comb is getting paler by the day and he's off by himself a lot. He seems to...
  12. Chickadooo

    What is the deal with FG diatomaceous earth? Studies/articles please? Safety?

    I see some people use it as a preventative, some use it only after their chickens have already gotten lice. I've read that it can be dangerous for people with asthma and not to use it around children. So whats the dealio? Should I be using this in my chickens dust baths or not? It seems like a...
  13. Carolrich

    To Use? Or not to use? Diatomaceous Earth

    Hello! I have been using food grade DE with my hens for 2+ years. I have added in to their feed and sprinkled it in their coop and nest boxes. They have been very healthy. They free range often and mostly take their dirt baths in the woods or in piles of peat moss we have around for the gardens...
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