To Use? Or not to use? Diatomaceous Earth


Sep 26, 2016
Hello! I have been using food grade DE with my hens for 2+ years. I have added in to their feed and sprinkled it in their coop and nest boxes. They have been very healthy. They free range often and mostly take their dirt baths in the woods or in piles of peat moss we have around for the gardens. There is so much conflicting information about using food grade DE. For example, the
Chicken Chick says absolutely not.

And then this "expert" says use it:

What is the scoop?
I think it's fairly safe if used carefully.
This study showed that birds that are already genetically hardy did not show internal parasite load benefits from DE, but ones that weren't did when it was added to the diet. Chickens that ate DE also ate more feed and layed more, bigger eggs but their FCR was identical (lbs of feed to lbs of egg produced). The DE was also shown to reduce mites loads, but not eliminate them when used as a dusting agent.
This article also backs up those findings in rats;

However there's no doubt that it's also a serious respiratory irritant.

So I would say, use, but use in selected quantities not all the time. 4 times a year in a dust bath, a light dusting along edges of the coop, as an addition to feed, or as a dust to treat an acute problem (like an active but mild mite infestation) are probably the best uses.

If you're having trouble deciding what to do based on what the "experts" say, especially in regards to conflicting data, skip them and go right to the source - actual scientific studies done to examine the usefulness and damage of a product. Not random hearsay from strangers who just happen to keep chickens and blog about it.
Most people would say it's not worth using as it doesn't work. But if you have been using it and have no problems with lice mites etc than that's great. If you have a serious problem with mites or lice than a permethrin based powder or spray would probably be better. DE can also cause respiratory problems as can any powder when it's floating about in the air.
Agreed with chocolate mouse, learn all you can then use your own brain to decide .” Most people” is really not a fact .

I love the stuff , I add it to hens sand nesting boxes every few weeks . Sprinkle it on sunflower seeds or scratch grains .

It definitely absorbs odor and moisture as we use it with the cows and they can really stink . One pail under straw works great .

The internet is great and the internet is horrible, too much information can give us a migraine
Also, if you find an article online, no matter who wrote it or what it's about, check for citations. Chances are good that the citations themselves are going to be more useful for you than the article and you can learn more that way. If there aren't any citations, be suspicious of the information contained within.
I have some, b/c it was all the rage a few years ago. I occasionally splash some in the crevices and around base of coop floor when doing a clean out, occasionally put some in the bottom of the nest boxes. Will I be buying any more? No. IMO, it's better use would be in the garden.
To Chocolate Mouse,
The article by the Chicken Chick has numerous citations. I will look into some of them. Thanks again!

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