About (food grade) Diatomaceous Earth

For years I was always under the impression that Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth was good for all kinds of pets and even humans to eat. I've also read many articles on using it for your chickens to dust bathe in etc. Now with that said, I had just came across another article that says quite the opposite. The article I read said absolutely do not use Food Grade DE on chickens, that it is toxic to them and that it is also a carcinogen to pets and people!!!! What the heck are you supposed to believe???
The first opinion is right if you use the fgDE cautiously and follow instructions. It surely helps but perhaps it’s not as good as claimed.
The food grade DE is not toxic. It helps against things the pharma sells expensive medicines and poisons too. So obviously there is a risk the commercial pharma writes articles to undermine a cheaper non toxic alternative.
I use fgDE for 8 years now. Started with it as red mite prevention. It seems to help for other parasites too. It never caused problems. My oldest chickens are really healthy senior chickens. Not only because of the fgDE. I believe the non-toxic organic feed and the free ranges hours contribute to that too.

I kind of did not know where to post that...

...I noticed (some) Americans seem to like using chemical products to heal their chickens... am I wrong...?
But elsewhere in the world, we don't have always access to these chemical products... and when we do, they can be ridiculously expensive for what they are...

Thus, naturally, a lot of us tend then to use natural products to help our animals... Could probably even tell it's cultural in certain places, you know...? That's to the extend that, if we could freely choose between natural products and chemical products, some generally would naturally be more interested by the natural ones...
And obviously, these ones would use what they know would work. (They would not be more stupid than others just because they used natural treatments - rather than chemical ones - for their animals... right?)

So... I don't know... look to me like some people - I think "some Americans", but certainly others too? - are skeptical to the efficacy of the products some of us use with success?
...And I wonder why?
Is it because chemical treatments are more accessible to them, and so they did not even try the natural ones?
Or would it be because these people did try the natural ones, but really did not have any success by using them...?

My post here would, in fact, be exclusively concerning food grade Diatomaceous Earth :
I just don't understand how a product in which I am so satisfied with could have its efficacy be considered as a myth by some people...?

To explain myself...

I use regurlaly food grade Diatomaceous Earth for my chickens and my ducks, and I have personally always had been satisfied with that.

I am used to rub Diatomaceous Earth on and in the feathers of my chickens, so I can get rid of lice/mites.
I always have 100% success rate by doing that : each time I put DE on my chickens, they don't have lice/mites anymore!

But I also put Diatomaceous Earth in my chickens and ducks food... (Always in PLASTIC feeders, since I don't know if it's dangerous or not to put DE in metal feeders.)
Indeed, I noticed I have had no more worms in my chickens droppings since I put DE in their food! That's a fact...
Also, Diatomaceous Earth seems to be good for my birds general health : since my birds have it mixed in their feed, the hens lay eggs with harder (to break) eggshells, and don't even lay small eggs or eggs without eggshell anymore... So, we could tell they just are healthier...?

...Actually, I could even (barely) save a DYING rooster's life after using DE...

The day I brought him home, at the beginning of July, this rooster was literally dying.
He was a 3-years-old Orpington, but he was so skinny and light I was pretty sure I would find him dead the next morning... It was really painful to see him like that. Also to hear him : he had a very plaintive voice - like he was whining, you know...?

But still, I tried to help him.

First : I took him in my shower to wash him with "Savon Noir" and warm water, in order to see if I could find quickly what his problem was...
And I really found it : when I dried him next with the hair dryer, a lots of lice/mites had fallen on the floor! Some was dead, some was still alive...

Thus, second : I took time to look carefully at his feathers, and I discovered the BIGGEST lice/mites infestation I had ever seen in my life!

I did not even know if I could really save him, since he has much too difficulties to walk and to carry his own weight...
But I tried at least.

So, third : once he was dry, I took him in his run (isolated from my other birds), and I put a lot of - really an excessively lot of - Diatomaceous Earth on him. (I kind of panicked, so I just prefered to put more DE than needed rather than not enough...)
I put goggles and masks on, and I rubbed all of his feathers with DE. Trying to avoid his eyes of course...!!
I also thought to cover the ground in the run with Diatomaceous Earth...

Next, I put Cade Oil on his legs... In prevention against scaly leg mites, but also because lice/mites HATES the smell of Cade Oil. So, I thought it could only help with the infestation!

In addition... I also mixed Diatomaceous Earth in his food (I gave him Premium Mix to make him want to eat), in case he would have had worms/parasites, but also because DE is renowned good for health.
And I also put Apple Cider Vinegar in his water (in a plastic waterer), in order to boost his immune system.

...In spite of that, he was so weakened he became blind before the night.
I'm pretty sure he also became deaf, since he did not respond to my voice or to whatever sound anymore...
...Because of that, I really thought he was lost, so I just left him alone for the night, without even putting him in the coop : I thought if he was dying, he would prefer to die in the run than in the coop...? Since he was blind and all...

But the next day, the rooster was still alive and could walk again!!
When I noticed he had also begun to see and hear again, I was really surprised : I did not know a blind bird could regain sight like that!

He could also drink and eat, but less than what I wanted him to... So, I gave him some melon and watermelon to keep him hydrated and to make him want to eat more...

...The next day (so the third day), I did not put Apple Cider Vinegar in his water : instead, I put Olive Oil.

But the next days...? I did not put anything in his water!
And then : step by step, day by day, he was getting better! Could walk freely, took some weight... Even his voice was sounding healthier! (Even though he would/could not crow.)
Before that, he was dying of lice/mite infestations!!

And of course, after some days - once he was sufficiently healthy looking - I put Diatomaceous Earth on him again... just in case the lice/mites eggs hatched...

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When I gave him back to his owner, he was heavier, healthy again, and looked a lot of more happy!
(His owner was impressed... He was also happy I told him his rooster had lice/mites infestation, because he could then treat his place and his birds against lice/mites...)

With this kind of experience, I can not understand why people would say the efficacy of food grade Diatomaceous Earth is a myth...?

I mean... I personally always had a 100% success rate with its use? I get rid of lice/mites infestations only by using this product...

I am so satisfied with DE I also now use it in my ducklings' food.
Because I noticed the ducklings that I mixed Diatomaceous Earth in the feed from the first weeks of their life are more... healthy?

I mean... for my first ducklings ever : I had 6 eggs that hatched, and only 4 ducklings that survived.
One of the ducklings was sadly accidentaly crushed by his mama-hen, but the other was clearly not crushed : I just found him dead a morning... He was 2-3-weeks-old... Looked like he has a stroke, but since there was a big storm then... maybe he died of fright?

But fact is : all my next ducklings have been being feed with Diatomaceous Earth mixed in their food since they were 3-weeks-old (even though some of the ducklings were on the bigger side, and so, had access to their mama-hen "DE mixed pellets" before they were 3-weeks-old)... and they seem just more energetic, healthy looking, vertical (they are runner ducks) than their older siblings...
And thanksfully, I did not have even one duckling dying among these ones... even the smallest of them!
...Would it be just a coincidence? (I really don't know, but I would at least think DE to be good for their growth...? Could, maybe, prevent Niacin deficiency...?)

I won't decide who is right or who is wrong about the efficacy of DE...
I just have my experiences with it. It's worth what it's worth...

But since I'm personally so satisfied with food grade Diatomaceous Earth, I just... would like to know why some people just say it doesn't work...?
I'm really just curious... There are to be a reason, right?

And specifically : why exactly do some people tell DE is not a dewormer?
After all, there are testimonies of people using DE to deworm themselves, with success if they are not lying... right?

(...If you have experience with DE and the product worked for your birds, please tell and give details.
I would be especially interested by testimonies of people who mix Diatomaceous Earth to their chicks or ducklings food. Do feeding them DE make any difference in their growth and/or in their health...?
...Thank you!)
great story

I kind of did not know where to post that...

...I noticed (some) Americans seem to like using chemical products to heal their chickens... am I wrong...?
But elsewhere in the world, we don't have always access to these chemical products... and when we do, they can be ridiculously expensive for what they are...

Thus, naturally, a lot of us tend then to use natural products to help our animals... Could probably even tell it's cultural in certain places, you know...? That's to the extend that, if we could freely choose between natural products and chemical products, some generally would naturally be more interested by the natural ones...
And obviously, these ones would use what they know would work. (They would not be more stupid than others just because they used natural treatments - rather than chemical ones - for their animals... right?)

So... I don't know... look to me like some people - I think "some Americans", but certainly others too? - are skeptical to the efficacy of the products some of us use with success?
...And I wonder why?
Is it because chemical treatments are more accessible to them, and so they did not even try the natural ones?
Or would it be because these people did try the natural ones, but really did not have any success by using them...?

My post here would, in fact, be exclusively concerning food grade Diatomaceous Earth :
I just don't understand how a product in which I am so satisfied with could have its efficacy be considered as a myth by some people...?

To explain myself...

I use regurlaly food grade Diatomaceous Earth for my chickens and my ducks, and I have personally always had been satisfied with that.

I am used to rub Diatomaceous Earth on and in the feathers of my chickens, so I can get rid of lice/mites.
I always have 100% success rate by doing that : each time I put DE on my chickens, they don't have lice/mites anymore!

But I also put Diatomaceous Earth in my chickens and ducks food... (Always in PLASTIC feeders, since I don't know if it's dangerous or not to put DE in metal feeders.)
Indeed, I noticed I have had no more worms in my chickens droppings since I put DE in their food! That's a fact...
Also, Diatomaceous Earth seems to be good for my birds general health : since my birds have it mixed in their feed, the hens lay eggs with harder (to break) eggshells, and don't even lay small eggs or eggs without eggshell anymore... So, we could tell they just are healthier...?

...Actually, I could even (barely) save a DYING rooster's life after using DE...

The day I brought him home, at the beginning of July, this rooster was literally dying.
He was a 3-years-old Orpington, but he was so skinny and light I was pretty sure I would find him dead the next morning... It was really painful to see him like that. Also to hear him : he had a very plaintive voice - like he was whining, you know...?

But still, I tried to help him.

First : I took him in my shower to wash him with "Savon Noir" and warm water, in order to see if I could find quickly what his problem was...
And I really found it : when I dried him next with the hair dryer, a lots of lice/mites had fallen on the floor! Some was dead, some was still alive...

Thus, second : I took time to look carefully at his feathers, and I discovered the BIGGEST lice/mites infestation I had ever seen in my life!

I did not even know if I could really save him, since he has much too difficulties to walk and to carry his own weight...
But I tried at least.

So, third : once he was dry, I took him in his run (isolated from my other birds), and I put a lot of - really an excessively lot of - Diatomaceous Earth on him. (I kind of panicked, so I just prefered to put more DE than needed rather than not enough...)
I put goggles and masks on, and I rubbed all of his feathers with DE. Trying to avoid his eyes of course...!!
I also thought to cover the ground in the run with Diatomaceous Earth...

Next, I put Cade Oil on his legs... In prevention against scaly leg mites, but also because lice/mites HATES the smell of Cade Oil. So, I thought it could only help with the infestation!

In addition... I also mixed Diatomaceous Earth in his food (I gave him Premium Mix to make him want to eat), in case he would have had worms/parasites, but also because DE is renowned good for health.
And I also put Apple Cider Vinegar in his water (in a plastic waterer), in order to boost his immune system.

...In spite of that, he was so weakened he became blind before the night.
I'm pretty sure he also became deaf, since he did not respond to my voice or to whatever sound anymore...
...Because of that, I really thought he was lost, so I just left him alone for the night, without even putting him in the coop : I thought if he was dying, he would prefer to die in the run than in the coop...? Since he was blind and all...

But the next day, the rooster was still alive and could walk again!!
When I noticed he had also begun to see and hear again, I was really surprised : I did not know a blind bird could regain sight like that!

He could also drink and eat, but less than what I wanted him to... So, I gave him some melon and watermelon to keep him hydrated and to make him want to eat more...

...The next day (so the third day), I did not put Apple Cider Vinegar in his water : instead, I put Olive Oil.

But the next days...? I did not put anything in his water!
And then : step by step, day by day, he was getting better! Could walk freely, took some weight... Even his voice was sounding healthier! (Even though he would/could not crow.)
Before that, he was dying of lice/mite infestations!!

And of course, after some days - once he was sufficiently healthy looking - I put Diatomaceous Earth on him again... just in case the lice/mites eggs hatched...

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When I gave him back to his owner, he was heavier, healthy again, and looked a lot of more happy!
(His owner was impressed... He was also happy I told him his rooster had lice/mites infestation, because he could then treat his place and his birds against lice/mites...)

With this kind of experience, I can not understand why people would say the efficacy of food grade Diatomaceous Earth is a myth...?

I mean... I personally always had a 100% success rate with its use? I get rid of lice/mites infestations only by using this product...

I am so satisfied with DE I also now use it in my ducklings' food.
Because I noticed the ducklings that I mixed Diatomaceous Earth in the feed from the first weeks of their life are more... healthy?

I mean... for my first ducklings ever : I had 6 eggs that hatched, and only 4 ducklings that survived.
One of the ducklings was sadly accidentaly crushed by his mama-hen, but the other was clearly not crushed : I just found him dead a morning... He was 2-3-weeks-old... Looked like he has a stroke, but since there was a big storm then... maybe he died of fright?

But fact is : all my next ducklings have been being feed with Diatomaceous Earth mixed in their food since they were 3-weeks-old (even though some of the ducklings were on the bigger side, and so, had access to their mama-hen "DE mixed pellets" before they were 3-weeks-old)... and they seem just more energetic, healthy looking, vertical (they are runner ducks) than their older siblings...
And thanksfully, I did not have even one duckling dying among these ones... even the smallest of them!
...Would it be just a coincidence? (I really don't know, but I would at least think DE to be good for their growth...? Could, maybe, prevent Niacin deficiency...?)

I won't decide who is right or who is wrong about the efficacy of DE...
I just have my experiences with it. It's worth what it's worth...

But since I'm personally so satisfied with food grade Diatomaceous Earth, I just... would like to know why some people just say it doesn't work...?
I'm really just curious... There are to be a reason, right?

And specifically : why exactly do some people tell DE is not a dewormer?
After all, there are testimonies of people using DE to deworm themselves, with success if they are not lying... right?

(...If you have experience with DE and the product worked for your birds, please tell and give details.
I would be especially interested by testimonies of people who mix Diatomaceous Earth to their chicks or ducklings food. Do feeding them DE make any difference in their growth and/or in their health...?
...Thank you!)
Awesome post. Have a dying chicken Oola with a terrible mite infestation. I rubbed so much DE at the base of her feathers after a bath today. Should have used a dryer but used a towel instead.


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Awesome post. Have a dying chicken Oola with a terrible mite infestation. I rubbed so much DE at the base of her feathers after a bath today. Should have used a dryer but used a towel instead.


Poor girl... and she is so cute...!
Just... : make sure DE stays dry for it to work!

...How is your hen, now?

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