
  1. blackbox

    Geese love digging?

    Does anyone else's geese dig huge holes? I've seen mention of them sifting through mud for grit but this is in totally dry hard packed soil. My geese (all Chinese or hybrids) will all go to either the base of one specific tree or to a big hole they have just in the middle of a dirt patch and...
  2. T

    Chickens digging

    My 12 chickens (8 weeks old) are digging out of their run. It’s 11.5x12. Is this not big enough? Are they bored? We haven’t buried hardware cloth yet as husband is traveling. Will hopefully be working on that next week. Help!
  3. C

    Chicken wire to prevent digging?

    Around the run and base of my coop, I've installed hardware cloth. It extends about 6" onto the ground, creating a small apron. I'd like the apron to be 2 ft - can I use chicken wire specifically only there (flat on the ground around the coop and run) to prevent digging or can predators get...
  4. Farmer413

    How do I keep my chickens away from my house and garden?

    I have about 20 chickens. They like to dig up my plants... I dont like that... How do I naturally repel them? Also, the chickens love to dig up the dirt around the foundation of the house so much as the changing the grade in an area and causing water in the garage. I need to stop this ASAP...
  5. A_Fowl_Guy

    Digging holes

    anyone know why my guinea fowl dig random holes on my property?
  6. kathlynr8

    Rototilling Chicken Service

    Hi, I am creating a new veggie garden from scratch on my land in Vermont. This land has not had anything built on it - so my staked veggie garden area is grassy, mossy, anty. I am wondering if chickens set loose on the area in a chicken tractor would tear up the grass and aerate the soil or...
  7. barred2rock

    Chickens digging on the "fence line"?

    What do y'all do about chickens digging where the hardware cloth meets the dirt? My hardware cloth is only about 1 1/2' deep (ground too hard). The chickens are dust bathing and digging holes about a foot deep. I'm worried a predator maybe able to push the hardware cloth in & out.
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