
  1. 3KillerBs

    When Should We Have More Than the Minimums for Space?

    I'm collecting information for an article on the usual space guidelines and want to be able to help people understand both why those guidelines are guidelines, not rules and when having extra space makes sense. Two things that came to my mind this morning were: Flexibility -- because I have...
  2. Maddog_photog

    Duck run dimensions.

    Hey y’all! I'm in the planning portion of constructing a duck coop for my four (possibly more) ducks! My plan on usage is one structure split in two: one house for 2x Pekins (one boy/one girl) and one house for 2x Swedish Blue (both males). An idea I got from @Duck mommy 2019 is to alternate...
  3. christinemix

    Wide shallow coop: good idea? Bad idea?

    Hi everyone, I'm a newbie currently working on the design for my first chicken coop. My partner and I have 6 chickens coming home to us in the middle of July. 3 are bantams and 3 are standard size. We're in zone 9b, northern California, so no snow but we do get frost and the occasional freeze...
  4. Red Frog

    Own a Petersime Brooder?

    Just curious if anyone has one of the big Petersime brooders? We just picked one up last week and are looking for some details concerning the feeder and water troughs.
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